Mi èappena arrivata una mail con questo contenuto:
Important information regarding your order
Please disregard the order confirmation you received from us yesterday. If a payment request accompanied this confirmation, please also disregard this request. In case you have already submitted payment for your order via a link (credit card, PayPal, Ideal), rest assured that your payment method will not be charged until the time at which your order ships.
During the transfer of orders from our old system into our new system we experienced critical failures. This had the unfortunate consequence of releasing over 10.000 orders that, for the most part, contained misinformation. We have already begun reworking all orders into our new system, and you will receive an accurate order confirmation from us within 2 weeks.
Since the 22nd of September we have been deeply involved in the implementation of our new SAP software system. During the course of this implementation we have encountered enormous difficulties, and we are working day and night to resolve these issues. Please accept our most sincere apologies for any inconvenience we have caused you. We value you as a customer, and we are grateful for your continued understanding.
Your Canyon Crew
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Ecco, non è chissà che ma è quello che e io chiamo "fare qualcosa ", ossia scrivere al singolo cliente qualcosa che suoni come: ehi, lo sappiamo che ci sei anche tu, tranquillo che risolveremo. E scusaci per il disagio.
È una mail automatica , ma è arrivata a me, mi accontento di poco.