Ibis mojo HD tutte qui


Biker tremendus
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È questo il dilemma😕
Io ho letto che si usa L'extra volume ed al massimo ci metti gli spacer dentro...😮
Tra l'altro (ma può essere che io non abbia ben capito) di serie il CS è eV....😕

October 9, 2013 9:36am by CaneCreekCyclingComponents

Yes, every shock produced since that change has the high flow inner, this includes all CS shocks as they were introduced well after the modification. Be sure to cycle the shock with no air to see exactly where the O-ring stops, as certain length shocks leave a bit of stanchion exposed at full travel. All our testing and feedback has never indicated the need for an XV can on the Mojo HD. What amount of sag are you running?

October 9, 2013 11:21pm by clawrence

Thanks for the quick reply.

Ok. Well I did some measuring and it isn't as bad as I thought. The shock is a 215x63mm size. When it is fully compressed (with no air), the o-ring stops with 5mm of stanchion exposed - so that is bottom. I've never felt the shock bottom but admittedly I haven't been riding trails that provide a lot of opportunity for serious impacts. (Oh yes, forgot to mention I'm riding at about 135 psi with 21mm of sag).

The farthest I've seen the o-ring pushed on a relatively harsh ride (with a couple 3 foot drops) left ~8mm stanchion exposed (I wasn't actually able to measure on the trial but I'm sure it wasn't more than 5mm). That suggest I have about 3 maybe 4mm of unused travel, which perhaps is where I should be in the absence of a serious bottoming impact.

Interestingly, the length of the visible stanchion when the shock is not compressed is about 70mm. Subtract the unused portion (-5mm) gives 65mm of travel at full compression. Technically the stroke length is 63mm. This maybe is measurement error on my part but if not then I am pretty close to full travel (as spec'd). Initially, I was surprise with as much as 8mm of exposed stanchion, now it seems like that is pretty typical. Does that jive with what you typically see?

Other than that, this thing has been buttery smooth.

Thanks again!

October 10, 2013 9:20am by CaneCreekCyclingComponents

That does indeed jive with what we typically see. Leaving a bit of the stanchion exposed is simply the way that shock is designed. It sounds like you've got it tuned pretty well, because that last bit of travel or bottom should really only be reached on hard impacts. Otherwise you should float just above it and hopefully rarely feel a harsh smack to bottom.



Biker serius
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Appunto.... Loro dicono che non dovrebbe servire l'ev..... Ma il tipo dice di non sfruttare tutta corsa utile ....
Avevo già letto questo forum 😀
Non capisco dove pende l'ago della bilancia chi ce l'ha parli !!!😂


Biker tremendus
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Appunto.... Loro dicono che non dovrebbe servire l'ev..... Ma il tipo dice di non sfruttare tutta corsa utile ....
Avevo già letto questo forum 😀
Non capisco dove pende l'ago della bilancia chi ce l'ha parli !!!😂

Non dice quello.... dice che la porzione di stelo scoperto misura 70mm ma la lunghezza per la mojoHd è di 63 e lui è arrivato a 8mm dal fondo con l or, quindi quella porzione scoperta è una sicurezza, e la risposta è stata lo hai settato bene

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