[Video] VinnyT's Details

  • Cominciano a vedersi in giro le prime bici con il nuovo motore Bosch SX, la drive unit per le ebike leggere del marchio tedesco. Dopo la Canyon Neuron ON Fly è la volta della Mondraker Dune. Andiamo a vedere nel dettaglio le differenze fra il CX full power e l’SX, quanto quest’ultimo sia potente e quale autonomia offre con la sua batteria standard di 420WH.
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Ian Collins

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[Video] Vinny T's Details



Standing next to his bike or sitting in the back of the truck, Vinny T looks like any other rider. 5.10’s. Riding pants and jersey. Helmet and goggles. But on his bike, his feet are twisted and his hands loose and open on the bars. His style is full of weird, tweaky positions. His flow is as twisty as his grip. He corks the bars so far, his feet come off, and he’s bent up with his...
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