[Video] Our Own Way – Frix Frix, Pierron, Courderc, Estaque

  • Cominciano a vedersi in giro le prime bici con il nuovo motore Bosch SX, la drive unit per le ebike leggere del marchio tedesco. Dopo la Canyon Neuron ON Fly è la volta della Mondraker Dune. Andiamo a vedere nel dettaglio le differenze fra il CX full power e l’SX, quanto quest’ultimo sia potente e quale autonomia offre con la sua batteria standard di 420WH.
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Ian Collins

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“The end of this film reminded me why I ride a bike,” said Paul Couderc during the pre-premiere of Our Own Way at Roc d’Azur 2019. It’s true that the main objective of this project, together with our own flavour, was to show what Frix and his friends Amaury, Thomas, Paul and Mattéo, get up to throughout the year. No constraints… We started with the idea of ​​doing our first ‘long’ project without really knowing where it would lead us, but we were certain of one thing, that we ride bikes all year round with friends anyway. We love this life and aware of our chance, we wanted to share it with everyone! We’re also keen to show off all the spots that we’ve been privileged to ride this year, most of which are not so far from home. Since March 2019 we filmed as much as possible with bags of enjoyment, headaches and laughs. Always working hard to get the best images. We hope you enjoy it!
-Gaetan Clary & Hugo Frixtalon

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