[Video] In Between The Races with Greg Callaghan

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Simon Silver

Santa Cruz California
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Subtitles available! Click on the CC (closed caption) button below the video. In Between The Races is a series of videos, brought to you by Shimano, that follows the lives and the thoughts of the athletes when they are outside of the tape. In these videos you’ll get to know the riders and how they deal with racing back to back races; what goes through their minds, what are they doing when the spotlight is dimmed, when the pressure is off? How do they maintain their levels of performance? Or how do they turn things around? In this episode, we follow Greg Callaghan of the Cube Action Team from the aftermath of the Val di Fassa round to the start ramp of the race in Les Orres.
For Callaghan the season to this point wasn’t what he hoped it would be, with a 15th and a 21st place in the first two rounds of the Enduro World Series and a forced DNS at the Madeira leg of the season due to a foot injury. The Irishman returned to racing in Canazei, but without the results he aimed for. It...

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