[Tested] Ergon SME3 Saddle

  • Cominciano a vedersi in giro le prime bici con il nuovo motore Bosch SX, la drive unit per le ebike leggere del marchio tedesco. Dopo la Canyon Neuron ON Fly è la volta della Mondraker Dune. Andiamo a vedere nel dettaglio le differenze fra il CX full power e l’SX, quanto quest’ultimo sia potente e quale autonomia offre con la sua batteria standard di 420WH.
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Ian Collins

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[Tested] Ergon SME3 Saddle


We first got fitted up for the Ergon SME3 Saddle back at Sea Otter. Much like runners have their feet checked for running shoes, we had a seat aboard a device that Ergon had handy which measured the width of our sit bones. Fortunately this is becoming more and more popular in the bike world. After all, most of us spend quite a bit of time in the saddle for better or worse. Perhaps what's even...
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