Un mio collega da Austin (TX) mi scriveva questa e-mail il 20-11 scorso:
How goes it in Italy?
The weather here has been pretty stellar of late, with temperature in the high 70s to low 80s; we really have not gotten cold yet.
I was on a small group ride (8 of us) on Sunday with my friends from one of the local road teams and Lance was with us, so we got to ride with him for about 60 miles.
Obviously he was going at 50%, which is about 120% for me. But it was a nice tight ride; double pace line, solid tempo work. He never left the front position, the rest of us would just rotate next to him. This is the fourth time I have ridden with him in the last 6 years. Doesn't happen often. The Postal Team, including my friend Zabriskie, will be in town next week for their usual December training camp. So I may get another opportunity to ride with the squad (not a great chance, but one nonetheless). Better chance of having dinner with them and going over to the hotel.
How have you been and when to you anticipate coming across the pond to Austin?
Chissà che il prossimo anno non riesca ad andare anch'io, almeno per qualche centinaio di mt ....
Poi l'1/12 mi scrive ancora:
Just back after the Thanksgiving break. Took an extra day off, so I was able to ride Wednesday-Sunday. The weather has been very mild this year, most rides were in shorts and sleeves. Good base miles for this time of year.
Had a lovely 1988 Amarone at the Thanksgiving meal with some friends. My last bottle from a case that I purchased a few years back now. Amazing wine, as I am sure you are well aware! Had a nice Barbara and Rioja as well that night, so the next day's ride was VERY SLOW, as all that wine stays in the legs for a while.
Sound like you have also been on the bike a bit? I suspect that it's pretty cold in your region right now, so the Mt. Bike is better suited for that.
I picked up Zabriskie last night at the airport and took him to his hotel. His Postal Team is in town for their annual 10 day training camp. I will hopefully spent a little time with some of them, and perhaps a ride as well, so we will see?
Back to work.
Best Regards,
wow, fantastico direi!!!!!Davvero andrai in Texas.....fantastico!!!
Chissà sarebbe un sogno realizzato!!! wow Grazie (ps.manda un saluto a Lance...ahahhaha)
Ciauzzzz Già LF
Simo, di Torino ! si organizza una trasferta il prossimo anno ?