Redbull farà la diretta live della DH worldcup 2012 - DH1 cancellato


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secondo me sarebbe strafigo se il progetto DH1 andasse avanti anche come un circuito mondiale di "serieB" che potrebbe magari dare più visibilità ai piloti ai margini dei primi 15 ma comunque di buon livello, inoltre offrifebbe la possibilità ai team, di coppa e non, di avere più di una gara di livello nella propria zona continentale. in fondo le piste, gira rigira son sempre quelle..
che ne pensate?


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MDE Damper-Radon pro 29
Bella notizia speriamo che la produzione sia all'altezza di Red Bull.
Intendo che soprattutto per una diretta la produzione di una discesa
è piuttosto complessa e costosetta:se si parla di 10 camere sul percorso è un bel circo,ho lavorato per anni alle produzioni di coppa
del mondo di sci e penso che riprendere una gara di dh sia quasi iden-
tico.mi aspetto quindi un prodotto broadcast di livello per godercele
come si deve.qusi quasi ci lavoreerei gratis...


Sicuramente è una bellissima notizia!
RedBull sa fare le cose per bene, quindi forse avremo finalmente una copertura mediatica al livello che la DH si mertita (peccato che il 4x sia uscito dalla coppa proprio adesso che c'è RB)
Quanto a freecaster... boh... io non so cosa ci sia realmente dietro, ma una cosa strana senza dubbio c'è... è innegabile che non sia mai riuscita a trovare una quadra con le forze in gioco, UCI per prima... ma con RebBull ci ha lavorato parecchio... quindi può essere che qualcosa di non proprio chiaro... ci sia...
Cmque, non importa chi la farà vedere, l'importante è vederla, e gratis...


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
Comunicato di Ray Dulieu (DH1)

Outlook to 2012

2011 ends with many reasons to be satisfied:
- The MTB DH season crowned two great champions: Aaron Gwin and Tracey Moseley for the World Cup and Danny Hart and Emmeline Ragot for the World Championships
- Freecaster did successfully webcast LIVE all UCI rounds
- DH1 was launched with the support of key race organisers and with support of a core group of 16,000 fans
- The 2011 Freecaster DVD is the best we've produced to date. Thank you Alex Rankin!!

We would like to thank our sponsors: Scott, Santa Cruz, Trek, Kabuto, Oakley, Drift Innovation and Fox Racing Shox

2012 looks very promising for DH MTB:
- Red Bull TV will invest not as a sponsor but as media partner with Red Bull TV to webcast live and free all world cups on the web and to broadcast the races on its TV channel. Red Bull TV will cover all races with 10 HD cameras, thereby offering better coverage quality for the world cup than ever before
- 14 teams have been confirmed as Pro Elite DH teams
- DH1 has to date 3 events confirmed, 1 agreed pending DH1 sponsors don't conflict with event sponsors and 2 expecting confirmation from their respective cities for permission and organisation support

What will 2012 hold for DH1?
DH1 was created to achieve the following objectives:
- offer Pro teams additional race opportunities on world class tracks without competing with UCI or iXS
- secure HD LIVE coverage with at least 8 cameras for free LIVE webcast
- allow amateurs to race alongside the pros
- develop the best media coverage for MTB DH

In light of the Red Bull Media House deal to cover the UCI world cup, the question is thus what will happen to DH1 as the world cup will offer
- world class tracks
- free HD LIVE coverage with at least 10 cameras
- offer the best media coverage to date for world cup racing
thereby achieving 3 out of 4 DH1 objectives with the expertise and financial support of Red Bull.

Can DH1 hold the comparison and does it stand a chance to exist, let alone to cover its operating costs? The answer is complex.

Of course DH1 stands a chance to achieve it's objectives but it is a challenge for it doesn't have the manpower of the UCI and Red Bull combined nor does it have their financial strength. DH1 is also no longer sure that pro teams will actually compete as the attractiveness of high quality LIVE coverage is no longer an exclusive DH1 offering. Finally sponsor have expressed concerns that DH1 might be a second rated product next to the new world cup and that as such their investment in what was created to be the best DH coverage, might not bear fruits.

The ones really pushing for DH1 to exist are thus a few core fans and the event organisers, who still see value on staging a great racing week-end.

I will thus give myself a few more weeks time before making a final call, will further work on acquiring sponsors and on finalising the event calendar. If I manage to secure the required budgets, we will stage DH1 and support the comparison with the Red Bull produced UCI World Cup.

The DH1 / Freecaster team will thus not finish the year on a down and will further push for a positive outcome to DH1 in the new year.

I thank you for all your support and hope that 2012 sees more racing opportunities for the teams and thus a larger presence of DH MTB in the media. At the end of the day, whether DH1 exists or not, DH will have benefited from our work and coverage. If Red Bull is now considering the UCI World Cup as a worthy series of event to cover, it is no doubt largely due to Freecaster's investment over the last 5 years and to the challenge posed by DH1.

Freecaster's years in MTB will have made a positive difference and that is something I'm very proud of.

Ray Dulieu


Biker poeticus
tra Milano e Bologna
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molte belle parole,e comprensibile messaggio. Tuttavia,sto ancora aspettando il dvd di alex rankin,acquistato con il pass per i mondiali,e che in teoria sarebbe dovuto arrivare già qualche mese fa... ancora una volta,come con le dirette,freecaster mostra che le idee son sempre buone ma il risultato non altrettanto.

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