Qashqai Urban Challenge 2007

The Advocate

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secondo me faranno 2 o 3 salti spaventosi.....o shit.......comunque quando avvistate un sito di questo coso che a breve immagino sarà aperto postate!!!! ciao ciAo


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
March 28th: The preparations for the Qashqai Urban Challenge are getting more and more detailed.
For the street stop in Madrid (Spain), Jeff Lenosky is joining the course design team of the Qashqai Urban Challenge. Jeff showed up in Spain early Saturday and by Sunday morning he was back on a flight to New Jersey with a head full of ideas for the Madrid course.

It only took course designer and pro rider Jeff Lenosky a few hours to determine that the area sitting in the shadows of the Picasso building, located in Downtown Madrid, would be the perfect site for the Qashqai Urban Challenge “Street” event.

Jeff gave us the inside scoop on what the Madrid course will look like and what it will take for the riders to stand as the most urbanproof on the podium in Spain.

“The street course is going to feature super-sized versions of obstacles you would find on a ‘normal’ street ride, instead of putting skatepark obstacles in a city and calling it a street event,” said Lenosky.

The urban area of Madrid, which will become the playground for the riders, contains a lot of existing obstacles and architecture for any street rider to enjoy. Jeff Lenosky and his team of builders will simply be enhancing its street-worthiness with various obstacles and creative ramp placement. This course will also be unique because there will be no dirt on the course, whatsoever.

The riders will be in Madrid, Spain for the street stop of the Qashqai Urban Challenge on May 18th/19th. This course should be a spectacle for everyone attending, and it will be interesting to see which riders the judges will crown the top competitors for the day. “I’m hoping that the course allows for a tight competition and plays to everybody’s strengths instead of leaving anyone out. There is a lot of tech stuff for the tech guys and lots of big stuff for the big hit guys. With so many line options on this course everyone should have a chance to shine,” states Lenosky.

The Qashqai Urban Challenge will hit five cities in five different European countries, starting on May 4th/5th in Newcastle. Afterwards, the urban freeride tour will hit Milan on May 11th/12th before it stops in Madrid on May 18/19th. From Spain the tour will move on to Germany for the 4th stop on May 25th/26th before ending in Paris on June 22nd/23rd with a huge spectacle.

For more info check out:


Biker paradisiacus
Programma Qashqai Urban Challenge - 2a tappa, Milano 11-12 maggio

Venerdì 11/5
10-13 prove
14-15:30 prove
16-17 qualifiche (1a run)
17:15-17:45 Qashqai Best Trick

Area espositiva aperta dalle 9 alle 18

Sabato 12/5
9:30-11 prove
11:30-12:30 qualifiche (2a run)
14-15:30 prove per i 12 finalisti
16-16:30 finali (1a run)
16:40-17:10 finali (2a run)
17:20-17:50 finali (3a run)
18:00 premiazione
Dalle 22 after-party fino allo sfinimento

Area espositiva aperta dalle 9 alle 18


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
Only 24 hours until the inaugural event of the Qashqai Urban Challenge, the first mountain bike urban freeride series of its kind. On Friday morning, the top 25 riders in the world will unpack their bikes and begin to practice on a new, never-before-seen course that combines urban style with wooden Northshore elements.

Riders have already begun to show up in Newcastle, UK for the first stop of the tour and they are excited, sending messages to the other riders who are still preparing for their flights overseas. The course builders are working hard to build a world-class urban Northshore-style course, which will be the first challenge to the riders.

The riders are in Newcastle early to get acclimated to the area and to prepare themselves mentally for the five-event urban mountain bike series. Ben Boyko came to Newcastle two days early, and emailed his impression of the course back to the North American riders: „This is definitely Northshore style. It’s all wood roller-coasters, possibly going to be a fair sized drop with a wood landing in the start. I like it.”

The Northshore Qashqai course is set in the Centre For Life Plaza in downtown Newcastle. The course features a ten meter wooden step down start ramp into a maze of ladder bridges, drops, wallrides and big jumps, weaving around the existing urban architecture.

Stay tuned for more updates as the rest of the riders show up and practice begins. The first round of qualifying begins on Friday at 11am, it will be interesting to see which of the fifteen tour riders will handle this discipline the best. It will also be a treat to see the additional ten specialist riders give the tour pros a run for their money.

Confirmed rider list:

Aaron Chase (USA)
Amir Kabbani (GER)
Andreu Lacondeguy (ESP)
Ben Boyko (CAN)
Cameron McCaul (USA)
Darren Berrecloth (CAN)
Darren Pokoj (AUS)
Grant Fielder (UK)
Greg Watts (USA)
Jamie Goldman (USA)
Kyle Strait (USA)
Lance McDermott (UK)
Paul Basagoitia (USA)
Ryder Kasprick (CAN)
Trond Hansen (NOR)
Brandon Semenuk (CAN)
Chris Smith (UK)
Christopher Hatton (F)
Gee Atherton (UK)
Lluis Lacondeguy (ESP)
Phil Sundbaum (USA)
Dan Atherton (UK)
Robbie Bourdon (CAN)
Sam Pilgrim (UK)
Thomas Vanderham (CAN)

Visit the new Qashqai Urban Challenge website ( ) with information about each city, the events, rider bios about the invited tour riders and also the listings of the specialist riders for each discipline.






Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
The first qualifying round of the Newcastle Qashqai Urban Challenge went down today, despite the overcast skies threatening the riders from riding their first runs.

Riders spent the morning riding through the course and testing out the ramps in preparation for the qualifying round. The pros were able to hit the big drop after the start of the course, testing their speed and the best way to land the drop. From the sidelines, you could see the riders planning their runs from top to bottom.

The first qualifying round was particularly good for the local English heros, Lance McDermott, Gee Atherton, Grant Fielder and Dan Atherton. They qualified first, third, fourth and fifth, respectively.

Most riders were throwing down tricks on the starting drop, like fourth place qualifier Grant Fielder with a tailwhip, and Ben Boyko with a super extended no-foot can. The first place qualifier, Lance McDermott, saw no need to trick the first drop, but he flipped the first big step-up jump - a jump that most riders were only able to x-up or tabletop!

Andreu Lacondeguy, the second place qualifier, was the only other rider to throw a big trick on the first step-up. He was able to bring his trademark-style Superman (clapping his feet together in the air) on the step-up. Combined with a tuck no-hander flip on the last jump and plenty of style in between, he had no problem wrapping up the second place qualification.

Top Ten Qualifiers - Round 1

1. Lance McDermott
2. Andreu Lacondeguy
3. Gee Atherton
4. Grant Fielder
5. Dan Atherton
6. Phil Sundbaum
7. Amir Kabbani
8. Trond Hansen
9. Sam Pilgrim
10.Brandon Semenuk

After the qualification round, the riders were invited to compete in a best trick contest on the last jump of the course. Phil Sundbaum, Greg Watts, Andreu Lacondeguy, Lance McDermott and Sam Pilgrim all joined the contest, which offered them three chances to bring their best tricks to the last jump.

Phil Sundbaum was the first rider in the best trick contest, and he started it off right˜with a huge 720, landing perfectly in front of a screaming crowd. Phil was congratulated by tons of screaming fans at the end of the course, and everyone knew that the bar had been set very high for the contest.

The rest of the best trick contest riders landed all of their tricks impressively: Lance McDermott with a flip-whip; Andreu Lacondeguy stuck a superman flip; Greg Watts landed a double barspin flip; and Sam Pilgrim came through with a one-foot x-up flip.

None of the riders were able to top Phil Sundbaum’s 720 though. In addition to Phil’s first run 720, he landed a 360-tailwhip on the second run and a stretched out superman on the third. Consistancy and big tricks were more than enough to impress the judges and give him the win.

The story of Phil’s win goes so much deeper than landing a 720 in a contest. Phil put his entire life on hold and quit his job to come to Europe (for his first time!) for a shot to compete against the world’s best. Phil was only able to stay for a few weeks as a result of this, but now with the best trick win and an extra 1500 euros in his pocket, it looks like Europe is going to be seeing a lot more of Phil Sundbaum.

Tomorrow morning brings up the second round of qualifying where some of today’s absent riders will be able to get a shot to enter into the finals. The top twelve riders from the qualifying rounds will go off in the finals tomorrow afternoon, for a top prize of 8,000 euros to the winner.

Visit the new Qashqai Urban Challenge website ( ) with information about each city, the events, rider bios about the invited tour riders and also the listings of the specialist riders for each discipline.







Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
Bearclaw vince la prima tappa

25 Riders and 10,000 spectators alike were absolutely blown away by the elevated level of riding in the finals of Newcastle’s Qashqai Urban Challenge.

The morning began with the second round of qualifying, where top riders like Darren Berrecloth and Cameron McCaul had their chance to make the finals. Bearclaw was able to sneak into the finals, although he was one spot away from missing it entirely.

A lot of surprising runs came during qualifying, as many riders were on the bubble and needed to clinch their spot in the finals. Ben Boyko solidified his spot in the finals early on by being the first rider to 360 off of the start ramp. After Boyko 360’d off of the start ramp, the flood gates opened up and more riders started pushing it. By the end of qualifying, the crowd saw nearly every trick unleashed on the drop.

The riders took a short break for lunch and to rest up for what would undoubtedly be the most intense riding session of the weekend.

From the crowd, it seemed as though most of the tricks had been done on all of the obstacles, but after the first rider of the finals˜Kyle Strait˜came through the course, everyone knew that the final round of competition would be an extremely exciting and creative session.


Finalists were given two rounds to put down their best riding in front of the judges and an extremely crowded Centre Of Life in Newcastle. The first runs of the finals were exciting, but the second round was out of control.


Gee Atherton surprised everyone at the contest by 360ing off of the start ramp. Ben Boyko, Bearclaw and Christopher Hatton had already 360’d off of the drop, but this kind of stunt was extremely unexpected for a rider whose riding is mostly focused on the downhill World Cup circuit where he usually places top ten. Gee proved his skill to the judges by his 360 on the drop, followed by a barspin up the step-up, good style through the course, ending with a flip on the final jump.


The most original and insane trick to be attempted of the day came from the Frenchman Christopher Hatton. Hatton qualified in first place for the finals with some strong runs, but wanted to drop the hammer with a new trick. Hatton was seen strapping on a full-face helmet prior to his run, so the area was buzzing with anticipation when he stepped up to the drop-in. As he rolled in, everyone held their breath and Hatton attempted a 360-tailwhip off of the drop! The 360 tailwhip drop didn’t come all the way around, but everyone was still cheering loudly and congratulating the crazy Frenchmen for his attempt. He finished in the end 5th place, which was his biggest success so far!


The second round of finals started with Kyle Strait clicking an invert off the drop, right into a backflip up the step-down. Strait backed it up with sick style through the course, ending his run with a perfect double-tailwhip to pedals.
As the finals wound down, it was Bearclaw, Boyko and Basagoitia that had the most to offer. Each rider had already put down a solid first final run, but they all knew that they had to step it up in order to top Kyle Strait for the win.


Boyko kept the energy high by adding in an x-up to his 360 off the start drop, following it up with a barspin and capping his run off with a 360-tailwhip to pedals.


The Claw came through with an amazing run that blew everyone away. He 360’d the start ramp, tailwhip on the step-up, took the skinny North Shore bridge and dropped from the wall to a tuck no-hander on the next step-up, 360 out of the satellite dish (which no one else was able to trick with more than a x-up or table) and then a boosted big 360-table at the final jump.


Tension was high as Bearclaw’s closest competitor, Paul Basagoitia, stepped onto the starting platform to attempt to dethrone The Claw. The riders on course were stacking hay bales in some odd places, which intrigued the crowd and the judges. Basagoitia began his run with a perfect tailwhip, into an amazing 360 onto a platform that was no more than four feet wide. Basagoitia over-rotated the 360 a little bit, but somehow was able to save it and bunnyhop transfer over to a landing and continue his run as if it was totally planned out that way. Basagoitia found a new step-up line and also a new landing, a transfer which he no-foot canned, and finished his run with a perfect flip-whip!

The 10,000 specators in the Newcastle Centre of Life were going absolutely insane after Basagoitia’s run, and the judges were shaking their heads over the nearly impossible task of sorting out the riders’ results. Even Paul Basagoitia and Bearclaw admitted that they had no idea who would take the first title of the five-stop Qashqai Urban Challenge series.

Riders and spectators milled around while the judges deliberated the results. Everyone slapped high-fives and shook their heads at what was undoubtedly one of the craziest final rounds in the history of freeride mountain biking.

At the end of the day, it was Darren Berrecloth who would take the first win of the tour and a nice payout of 8,000 euros! Paul Basagoitia took second place and Kyle Strait held on to the podium in third place. Champagne was uncorked and the riders celebrate their victories thru the night.

The next stop for the Qashqai Urban Challenge is Milan, Italy, where riders will be tested on their dirt jumping aptitude.

Qashqai Challenge Final Results - Newcastle
1. Darren Berrecloth
2. Paul Basagoitia
3. Kyle Strait
4. Ben Boyko
5. Christopher Hatton
6. Grant Fielder
7. Amir Kabbani
8. Greg Watts
9. Gee Atherton
10.Andreu Lacondeguy
11.Brandon Semenuck
12.Lance McDermott

Visit the new Qashqai Urban Challenge website ( with information about each city, the events, rider bios about the invited tour riders and also the listings of the specialist riders for each discipline. See you soon in Italy, because next weekend we’ll have the Qashqai Urban Challenge in Milan and this time it will be dirt jumps, so expect to see the maddest tricks right at the main station of Milan.

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