Qashqai Urban Challenge 2007


Biker superioris
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Ecco cosa intendo per contest... vuoi mettere lo spettacolo di quelle strutture con i tre kick milanesi???:smile:

se posso dire la mia
lo spirito di questa serie di contest è sicuramente geniale, portare i migliori rider del mondo
in grosse città a sfidarsi ogni volta in una disciplina di nicchia diversa, per determinare alla fine chi è il migliore, e quindi il rider più polivalente è grandioso.come succede già nel surf e come dovrebbe succedere in molti altri action sport che hanno molte sfacciettature.
se poi a qualcuno non è piaciuto che in italia ci sia stato il dirt...
beh pazienza
magari il prossimo anno, se lo rifaranno ci sarà lo street, o il northshore...
siamo proprio un popolo di chiaccherioni, buoni solo a vedere solo i lati negativi
c'è stato un bell'evento in italia, abiamo avuto 2 rider che si sono fatti valere.
il resto sono discorsi da bar che valgono quanto i commenti del dopo partita su controcampo.
è per quello che ci sono più maurizio mosca che timo pritzel in italia...
se posso dire la mia
lo spirito di questa serie di contest è sicuramente geniale, portare i migliori rider del mondo
in grosse città a sfidarsi ogni volta in una disciplina di nicchia diversa, per determinare alla fine chi è il migliore, e quindi il rider più polivalente è grandioso.come succede già nel surf e come dovrebbe succedere in molti altri action sport che hanno molte sfacciettature.
se poi a qualcuno non è piaciuto che in italia ci sia stato il dirt...
beh pazienza
magari il prossimo anno, se lo rifaranno ci sarà lo street, o il northshore...
siamo proprio un popolo di chiaccherioni, buoni solo a vedere solo i lati negativi
c'è stato un bell'evento in italia, abiamo avuto 2 rider che si sono fatti valere.
il resto sono discorsi da bar che valgono quanto i commenti del dopo partita su controcampo.
è per quello che ci sono più maurizio mosca che timo pritzel in italia...

Quoto tutto, ma non toccarmi Maurizio Mosca! :))):


Biker infernalis
Ripa (lu)
Visita sito
se posso dire la mia
lo spirito di questa serie di contest è sicuramente geniale, portare i migliori rider del mondo
in grosse città a sfidarsi ogni volta in una disciplina di nicchia diversa, per determinare alla fine chi è il migliore, e quindi il rider più polivalente è grandioso.come succede già nel surf e come dovrebbe succedere in molti altri action sport che hanno molte sfacciettature.
se poi a qualcuno non è piaciuto che in italia ci sia stato il dirt...
beh pazienza
magari il prossimo anno, se lo rifaranno ci sarà lo street, o il northshore...
siamo proprio un popolo di chiaccherioni, buoni solo a vedere solo i lati negativi
c'è stato un bell'evento in italia, abiamo avuto 2 rider che si sono fatti valere.
il resto sono discorsi da bar che valgono quanto i commenti del dopo partita su controcampo.
è per quello che ci sono più maurizio mosca che timo pritzel in italia...

Complimenti, ben detto!:-?


Biker tremendus
Coazze (TO)
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Mde Slider 29
se posso dire la mia
lo spirito di questa serie di contest è sicuramente geniale, portare i migliori rider del mondo
in grosse città a sfidarsi ogni volta in una disciplina di nicchia diversa, per determinare alla fine chi è il migliore, e quindi il rider più polivalente è grandioso.come succede già nel surf e come dovrebbe succedere in molti altri action sport che hanno molte sfacciettature.
se poi a qualcuno non è piaciuto che in italia ci sia stato il dirt...
beh pazienza
magari il prossimo anno, se lo rifaranno ci sarà lo street, o il northshore...
siamo proprio un popolo di chiaccherioni, buoni solo a vedere solo i lati negativi
c'è stato un bell'evento in italia, abiamo avuto 2 rider che si sono fatti valere.
il resto sono discorsi da bar che valgono quanto i commenti del dopo partita su controcampo.
è per quello che ci sono più maurizio mosca che timo pritzel in italia...

sante parole!!!!


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
The Qashqai Urban Challenge Moves to Cologne

After three incredible events in Newcastle, Milan and Madrid, the Qashqai Urban Challenge is moving to Cologne (GER) for the fourth stop of the tour.

Riders will be challenged on the Park course to an array of ramps, wedges, box jumps and drops. The course construction is underway and in two days the riders will show up in Cologne’s Mediapark to practice on the course that has been designed specifically to test the riders in a park environment.

Benny Korthaus and Marius Hoppensack are two local German park specialists who will be lighting up the course in Cologne with fresh style and big tricks. Both riders have been dominating German contests, so it will be exciting to see how they fare against the world’s best riders on their home turf.

Two other invited riders for the Cologne event are expected to be top finishers: Adam Hauck and Phil Sundbaum. They are considered some of the top riders in this discipline, and after claiming best trick titles at previous Qashqai events, they are hungry for podium appearances.

The Cologne course is set in the Mediapark, with the rider’s hotel overlooking the course and allowing them to plan out their runs from the hotel balconies!

In addition to the tour riders, the following specialists will be invited to Cologne for the fourth stop of the Qashqai Urban Challenge:

1. Adam Hauck (USA)
2. Phil Sundbaum (USA)
3. Damjan Siriski (CZE)
4. Marius Hoppensack (GER)
5. Carlo Dieckmann (GER)
6. Benny Korthaus (GER)
7. Cameron Zink (USA)
8. Pierre Grawitter (GER)
9. JD Swanguen (USA)
10.Hendrik Tafel (GER)

The fourth event could mix up the overall order quite a bit, as most of the riders in the top ten are not park specialists. We can expect to see an exciting event in Cologne. Even more importantly, this event could have a huge impact on the overall scores. After Cologne, the riders will have only one more Qashqai event to secure their spot in the overall top five!

Qashqai Urban Challenge Overall Results:

1. Paul Basagoitia 55 pts Kona (USA)
2. Darren Berrecloth 50 pts Specialized (CAN)
3. Andreu Lacondeguy 42 pts Kona (ESP)
4. Lance McDermott 40 pts Scott (UK)
5. Ben Boyko 31 pts Norco (CAN)

The contest in Cologne’s Mediapark begins on Friday at 4pm with the first qualifying round and best trick contest. Saturday will follow with the second round of qualifying which will decide the top twelve riders to advance to the finals.






Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
Lance McDermott Qualifies First in Cologne, Germany

The Cologne crowd of the Qashqai Urban Challenge saw some crazy park riding today, despite a short rain delay. Lance McDermott has been riding hard at each event so far in the Qashqai series, but this is his first time in the top spot after qualifying.

The park course in Cologne’s Mediapark is a mountain bike-sized version of a skatepark, big enough to challenge the world‚s best riders with huge transitions and monster wallrides.

The riders began early this morning with a practice session, but it was cut short due to some heavy rainfall. Thankfully, the rain subsided and the course dried quickly, allowing the riders to begin practice again after a two hour delay.

The organizers checked the forecast and there is another chance of rain on Saturday, so everyone chose to take both qualifying runs on day one of the Qashqai Urban Challenge in Cologne.

The competition amongst the riders continues to be very tight. Lance McDermott (4th overall) qualified first, followed directly by Paul Basagoitia (1st overall) and Darren Berrecloth (2nd overall). The only rider in the top five overall to not qualify for the park finals was Andreu Lacondeguy, which means that Paul Basagoitia will have to continue riding at his highest level to continue holding his top overall position.

Lance‚s first place qualifying run today was littered with amazing tricks, like a superman over the 15-foot box jump, backflip over the spine, 360 tailtap over the long spine, finishing his run with an impressive handplant 360!

Paul Basagoitia was not going to let Lance steal the show at this park contest. He rolled in on his second qualifying run and 360’ed the first big drop, table transferred up to the top of the monster wallride, backflipped the box jump, 360’ed the spine and then capped his run with a flair, the first one he has ever landed (and the second one he has ever attempted)!

Bearclaw followed with a 360 off the drop, wallrode across the monster wallride and kept enough speed to superman seatgrab the huge box jump. He pedaled back to the top of the monster wallride, turned around and started sprinting towards the other wall. Bearclaw hit the 12-foot quarter on the left side of the wall and clicked a one-foot table, landing on the at least 20 feet away into another banked transition.

The rest of qualifying was equally entertaining, riders like Jamie Goldman backflipped the big starting drop while Adam Hauck and Phil Sundbaum tailwhipped left and right. Darren Pokoj brought back his original style for the Cologne contest and qualified fourth with some amazing lines and great tricks.

German rider Benny Korthaus also impressed the judges, crowd and the riders. He came out blazing with flairs, tailwhip to tailtap and huge flips over the spine.

After the two qualifying runs were over for the riders, the best trick contest began. Lance McDermott, Darren Pokoj, Benny Korthaus, Adam Hauck and Phil Sundbaum mounted their bikes for another shot at glory. Each rider was given three attempts to land their best trick on any obstacle on the Qashqai park course.

First place qualifier Lance McDermott was also the first place finisher in the best trick contest, with a perfect handplant to 360 over the spine. Lance has been a rider in every best trick contest on the Qashqai tour, so he was very excited to finally take the win and spray the crowd with champagne.

Saturday will be the final run for the top twelve Qashqai competitors in Cologne, then they will take a four-week break before they gather in Paris, France for the final stop of the Qashqai Urban Challenge. The majority of the top overall riders are still in the mix for the park finals, so it‚s too early to call any of the overall standings just yet.

Qualifying Results - Qashqai Urban Challenge Cologne, Germany

1. Lance McDermott (UK)
2. Paul Basagoitia (USA)
3. Darren Berrecloth (CAN)
4. Darren Pokoj (AUS)
5. Ben Boyko (CAN)
6. Jamie Goldman (USA)
7. Benny Korthaus (GER)
8. Adam Hauck (USA)
9. Cameron McCaul (USA)
10.Phil Sundbaum (USA)
11.Damjan Siriski (CZE)
12.Grant Fielder (UK)







Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
McDermott Claims The Park Title At The Qashqai Urban Challenge in Cologne, Germany

The riders woke up in Cologne, Germany to an overcast sky and the finals of the Cologne Qashqai Urban Challenge was held early to avoid any encounters with rain. Thankfully the weather held out and the riders threw down, much to the enjoyment of a packed crowd in Cologne’s Mediapark.

Practice began early this morning and riders had one last chance to dial in their lines before the final runs began at noon. Adam Hauck was the first rider to set the bar high, with a perfect run filled with amazingly difficult technical tricks, back-to-back. Pedal stalls-to-270 out right into wallride-to-tailwhips were just some of the links that Hauck put together for his first run.

Ben Boyko follwed Hauck with his own brand of riding, starting his run with a huge 360-table off of the starting drop. Boyko used his momentum from the drop to wallride the entire length of the monster Qashqai wall, then pedaled furiously towards the big box jump, where he stomped a huge tailwhip. Boyko ended his course assault with another run at the box jump, where he landed a perfect 360-tailwhip.

Other riders like Benny Korthaus and Darren Pokoj were riding at their highest level. Pokoj found tons of creative lines and also dropped some beautiful nosedive 360s (and a backflip) over the spine. Korthaus impressed the judges with a tailwhip to tailtap and a perfect 360-tailwhip on the big box jump.

As the top three qualifiers (Paul Basagoitia, Darren Berrecloth and Lance McDermott) rolled up to the start of the course, the crowd knew that they would be in for a spectacle, as each one of the top qualifiers was in the running for the overall title.

Paul Basagoitia started his first run with a 360 off the starting drop, then tabletopped on his way to the top of the roll-in for the box jump. He dropped in and as he went upside down, decided that this fifteen-foot box would be perfect for a flipwhip! Paul kept his run going with a 360 over the spine, footplant over the hitching post, and at the very end of his run, another perfect flair.

Darren Berrecloth was the next rider to go, and he followed Paul with a 360-table off the starting drop. Bearclaw landed a stretched out indian air superman on the box jump and proceeded to make his way back to the top of the Qashqai wallride. He took a deep breath and dropped into the roll-in, pedaling as hard as he possibly could towards the big quarter next to the starting drop. Bearclaw boosted the big quarter into a one handed table across the ramps, into a banked ramp. After landing his big gap, The Claw capped his run with an opposite 360 from the spine to the take off of the box jump.

The pressure was on for Lance McDermott, who qualified first and was the last rider to ride in the first round of finals. Lance flipped the first drop and pedaled across the top of the monster wall to get speed for the box jump. He continued his run with a perfect front flip over the huge box, into a backflip over the spine. Lance came back to the other spine and 360 tailtapped it on his way to the big quarter, which he tailwhipped. Lance handplanted the hitching post on his way back from that, then ended his amazing run with a 360-handplant on the spine.

The riders went right into the second round of finals after Lance’s first run, but most riders were quite happy with their first round, so they used their second run to dial in their lines or try some tricks that they didn’t do in their first run. For example, Bearclaw stuck a perfect 360-tailtap on the hitching post of the spine during his second round and Benny Korthaus landed the flair that he was attempting all weekend.

Paul Basgoitia’s second round was the most remarkable, as he began his run like normal on the top of the starting drop. The starting area was perched approximately fourty feet above the ground, and Paul decided that he would try a new line from the start ramp. He skipped the step-down ramp altogether and bunnyhopped from the very top of the starting area into the transition of the big quarter that was next to the starting area. After landing it totally clean and riding away to continue an amazing run filled with flairs, tailwhips and 360’s, the technical event director Tim Spears radioed on the channel, asking all other production people, “Was anyone else shitting themselves before he went for that?”

At the end of the second round, the riders were quite curious to see if Paul’s crazy start was enough to take the win from riders like Lance and Bearclaw, who both put in some incredible runs. The final runs from all twelve riders were spectacular, but it was clear that Bearclaw, Lance McDermott and Paul Bas are hungry for the overall win and will stop at nothing to claim the first prize of 50,000 euros.

The judges deliberated for quite some time while the riders discussed their runs and high-fived each other for yet another insane contest with ground-breaking riding.

The podium for the Cologne stop of the Qashqai Urban Challenge consisted of Paul Basagoitia, Darren Berrecloth and Lance McDermott, as
predicted by the riders and crowd alike. Third place was Paul Basagoitia, second was Darren Berrecloth, leaving the first place podium to Lance McDermott. Each rider has one win under their belt now, which brings the overall standings even closer.

Final Results Qashqai Urban Challenge: Cologne

1. Lance McDermott (UK)
2. Darren Berrecloth (CAN)
3. Paul Basagoitia (USA)
4. Adam Hauck (USA)
5. Ben Boyko (CAN)
6. Benny Korthaus (GER)
7. Darren Pokoj (AUS)
8. Jamie Goldman (USA)
9. Cameron McCaul (USA)
10. Phil Sundbaum (USA)
11. Grant Fielder (UK)
12. Damjan Siriski (CZE)

The Qashqai Urban Challenge will now take a four week break and will reconveine in Paris, France for the final round on June 23rd. The top three riders are now extremely close in the points race, so anyone could take the overall title depending on their finish in France.

Overall Rankings Qashqai Urban Challenge

1. Paul Basagoitia 72pts (USA) Kona
2. Darren Berrecloth 68pts (CAN) Specialized
3. Lance McDermott 60pts (UK) Scott
4. Ben Boyko 45pts (CAN) Norco
5. Andreu Lacondeguy 42pts (ESP) Kona
6. Darren Pokoj 39pts (AUS) MS Racing-Intense
7. Cameron McCaul 36pts (USA) Trek
8. Benny Korthaus 27pts (GER) Specialized
8. Adam Hauck 27pts (USA) Black Market
10. Jamie Goldman 25pts (USA) Santa Cruz

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Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
June 22nd/ 23rd - Qashqai Urban Challenge Big Air Final in Paris

After four amazing stops of the Qashqai Urban Challenge in Newcastle, Milan, Madrid and Cologne, riders will be reconvening after a four week break for the final stop of the series on June 22nd and 23rd in Paris. The world’s best riders will be rested and ready to throw down their best riding in a final attempt to take home the big overall prize money that is waiting for the top five athletes.

La Villette in Paris (Parc de la Villette / Place de la Fontaine au Lion / 211 , avenue Jean Jaures, 75019 Paris) will be the location for the last stop of the 2007 Qashqai series which brought out some of the most amazing riding of the year. The riders have been showing their hardest tricks at each stop of the tour and Paris will be no different.

In fact, Paris will allow the riders to do even more crazy tricks, since the discipline is “Big Air“, which means that we will see a big drops, huge gaps and some of the biggest jumps in any mountain bike contest to date.

In addition to the prize money for the winners of the Paris stop of the Qashqai Urban Challenge, the overall prize money for the top 5 riders of 100,000 Euros will be also given out after the event. The top three riders Paul Basagoitia, Darren Berrecloth and Lance McDermott are very close in the overall standings to the first prize of 50,000 euros, but anything could happen as riders compete for the podium in Paris.

Overall Rankings – Qashqai Urban Challenge
1. Paul Basagoitia 72pts (USA) Kona
2. Darren Berrecloth 68pts (CAN) Specialized
3. Lance McDermott 60pts (UK) Scott
4. Ben Boyko 45pts (CAN) Norco
5. Andreu Lacondeguy 42pts (ESP) Kona

Darren Berrecloth flew into Europe a couple of days early, while Paul Bas is still finalizing his last preparations at home and thinking about who can be the winner: “Everybody is able to win on any given day, it's just about who's feeling it that day.“ And what would he do if he is the overall winner at end of the day? “The first thing I would do is take all my buddies out for sushi, and then have a celebration party after.“ It will be an exciting final for sure.




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ma quanti metri di gap sono??????????

dio mio.... quando si dice BIG non dicevano big..... intendevano BIG BIG BIG

se dovessi mai provare un salto simile ci vado con bici e paracadute!


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
Oggi pomeriggio alle 15:15 live la tappa finale di Parigi. Clicca sull'icona qui sotto!
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Qashqai Chal. Finals - Live Webcast" border="0" /></a>


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
Bearclaw wins Big Air in Paris and the overall Qashqai title


One of the largest crowds of the event series gathered in La Villette for the series finale. Darren Berrecloth and Paul Basagoitia were locked in a tight battle for first place, and the Paris results would decide once and for all who would be the overall Qashqai champion.

Rain kept the riders from putting on a show during the first day of the Big Air event in Paris, but day two was packed with action all day long for the Qashqai fans. The riders took advantage of the dry weather to impress the spectators with huge jumps and amazing tricks, finalizing the five-event series that toured the athletes all around Europe.

The riders began the day early with a lengthy practice session to get acclimated to the big jumps. The course began with a super-sized roll-in, then a 10 meter (35ft.) jump, followed by another booter with a 7 meter (22ft.) gap. The course ended with a big quarterpipe wall for the riders to blast at the end of their runs.

Greg Watts was the first rider to dial in the jumps during practice and he kept his composure all day during the event. Watts was the first rider to flip the second jump, and consistantly performed in both qualifying and final rounds.

Lance McDermott was one of the riders in the qualifying who had a shot at winning the overall, but was not able to make the final after crashing in both runs while he attempted to front flip his full-suspension bike!

The qualifying rounds started before noon and Cameron McCaul was on his game. He stretched out an indian air and then did a barspin to no-foot can on the second jump. Cam’s run was good enough to qualify first for the final. Watts followed in similar style with a suicide no-hander and then a backflip x-up.

The riders took a short break for lunch and then mounted their bikes for the final two runs of the Paris event, and the Qashqai Urban Challenge series. Bearclaw and Paul Basagoitia were the only two left in the finals with a shot at the overall title, and everyone appeared more focused on who would take the overall win (and 50,000 euros) than the win in Paris.

The Finals runs of the Big Air in Paris – 2 runs – the best run counts!

Kyle Strait was the first rider in the finals and he set the bar high for the last round of the Qashqai Urban Challenge. Kyle launched a huge inverted table on the first jump, then followed it with an amazing double tailwhip on his Specialized SX! He landed the trick with one foot off the pedal, but still went fast enough towards the quarter wall, where he boosted a huge alley-oop invert.

Greg Watts kept the riding level high by flipping the first jump and then going into a stretched out indian air on the second jump. Riders and fans alike were cheering their loudest for Greg’s run, which was considered to be one of the best runs of the day.

All eyes were on Paul Basagoitia and Darren Berrecloth as they climbed to the top of the roll-in tower. Paul was the first out of the two to ride, and he started his run with a huge backflip over the 35ft gap and continued with a table one foot to x-up on the second. Paul blasted the quarter wall super high, over the heads of the cameramen on the deck of the ramp!

Bearclaw was next on the starting ramp and he knew that he would have to come up with something amazing if he was going to “claw“ his way ahead of Paul Basagoitia for the overall win. He rolled into the Paris course to the sound of thousands of screaming fans and stretched out his trademark indian air on the first gap! He landed it perfect enough to hit the second booter with enough speed and control to spin a 360 one-footed table. Bearclaw wrapped his first final run by boosting out of the quarter wall with real big air. It was obvious that the 50,000 euros overall prize money was motivating both riders to perform in Paris.

The final round of the last stop of the Qashqai tour attempted to push the level of riding even higher, but unfortunately most of the top riders crashed in their attempts to one-up their previous runs. Bearclaw attempted to 360 the first double and opposite 360 the next, but he over-rotated the opposite 360 and crashed in the dirt at the end of the course.

Paul Bas pushed his riding a little bit farther on the second run with a backflip, then a 1-foot table to late table on the second jump. Bearclaw’s first run looked like it was enough to unseat PB from his top overall position.

The riders gathered and discussed the runs and deliberated about the judging, all making their guesses for the Paris winner and who would be the overall champion. The judges spent plenty of time sorting out the details for the scoring, and after a short while, the Qashqai promotional people congregated at the top of the landing of the first jump with champagne bottles and checks with over 100,000 euros in prize money to hand out to the winners.

The Qashqai Big Air results were announced first: Cameron McCaul in third, then Greg Watts and Darren Berrecloth in first place. Bearclaw sprayed his champagne all over the riders and celebrated like no one else. When interviewed, Cameron McCaul grabbed the microphone and said, “None of us are good enough at math to figure out who won the overall points standings.“

The riders were quite curious as to the overall results, especially since Paul Basagoitia’s Big Air result was not announced. The Big Air winners rejoined the rest of the riders and patiently waited for the overall results to be announced.

The Qashqai series has spanned five countries of the course of the last two months. The riders have spent lots of time traveling together and have all pushed the sport of mountain biking and each other as riders on the Qashqai tour. Lessons have been learned, passports have been stamped and new tricks have been introduced.

After all this effort, the final results were about to be released, and the entire crowd was anxious to know who would walk away with the check of 50,000 euros. Viewers watched the event live on and thousands of spectators crowded the prize giving area for the final announcement.

Andreu Lacondeguy took the fifth spot overall, his win in Milan was a huge factor in the overall standings, although he placed well in Newcastle and Madrid as well. Ben Boyko was fourth overall, even though he couldn’t the Paris finals after being the only rider to attempt the huge drop. Lance McDermott held his position in third place even without making the finals in Paris. McDermott rode consistantly at every stop of the tour, winning the Cologne stop of the series along with the best trick contest.

The crowd waited with anticipation for the second and first place riders to be announced. Paul Basagoitia and Darren Berrecloth have battled at every stop of the tour, and Paris was no exception. After five events of back-and-forth, Darren Berrecloth was able to edge out Paul Basagoitia by one point in the overall standings. Paul placed fourth in Paris, which gave Bearclaw the overall win for the first ever Qashqai Urban Challenge series. The first-ever mountain bike freeride world series title (and a healthy check for 50,000 euros) was handed over to Darren Berrecloth, along with a three liter bottle of champagne.

Bearclaw attempted to celebrate his victory by shaking his huge bottle of champagne, but accidentally broke off the tip of the cork. With a little help from the promotional girls and a pair of scissors, he was eventually able to pry the cork out of the bottle and hose down the entire crew that was standing on the prize-giving platform.

The Qashqai Urban Challenge comes to a close for 2007, but clips from each event can be viewed on or Stay tuned for more photos, stories and videos which will be released online, in print magazines and on TV worldwide.

Final Results – Paris: Big Air
1. Darren Berrecloth (CAN) Specialized
2. Greg Watts (USA) Gary Fisher
3. Cameron McCaul (USA) Trek
4. Paul Basagoitia (USA) Kona
5. Amir Kabbani (GER) Cannondale
6. Kyle Strait (USA) Specialized
7. Andreu Lacondeguy (ESP) Kona
8. Ben Boyko (CAN) Norco

Overall Rankings – Qashqai Urban Challenge
1. Darren Berrecloth 88pts (CAN) Specialized - 50,000 Euros
2. Paul Basagoitia 87pts (USA) Kona - 25,000 Euros
3. Lance McDermott 69pts (UK) Scott - 15,000 Euros
4. Ben Boyko 56pts (CAN) Norco - 6,000 Euros
5. Andreu Lacondeguy 54pts (ESP) Kona - 4,000 Euros
6. Cameron McCaul 53pts (USA) TREK
7. Greg Watts 42pts (USA) Gary Fisher
8. Darren Pokoj 39pts (AUS) MS Racing – Intense
9. Kyle Strait 30pts (USA) Specialized
10. Benny Korthaus 27pts (GER) Specialized
11. Adam Hauck 27pts (USA) Black Market
12. Amir Kabbani 26pts (GER) Cannondale
13. Jamie Goldman 25pts (USA) Santa Cruz
14. Grant Fielder 21pts (UK) Kona
15. Brandon Semenuk 19pts (CAN) TREK



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