Norco Bicycles Signs Caro and Anita Gehrig

  • Cominciano a vedersi in giro le prime bici con il nuovo motore Bosch SX, la drive unit per le ebike leggere del marchio tedesco. Dopo la Canyon Neuron ON Fly è la volta della Mondraker Dune. Andiamo a vedere nel dettaglio le differenze fra il CX full power e l’SX, quanto quest’ultimo sia potente e quale autonomia offre con la sua batteria standard di 420WH.
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Ian Collins

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Norco Bicycles Signs Caro and Anita Gehrig


Some news just came in that Norco signed the Gehrig twins to represent them for the 2018 Enduro World Series. These ladies made their breakthrough when they finished 4th and 5th overall in the EWS last year. Check out the press release from Norco below...

[Press Release] - Norco Bicycles is thrilled to announce that Caro and Anita Gehrig are joining the Norco family as part of the...
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