MTB Forum Review - sviluppi

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Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
ok, eccovi il testo da tradurre:

NB: review dovrebbe rimanere "review", non traducetela

$Globals['pp_lang']['0'] = "0";
$Globals['pp_lang']['1'] = "1";
$Globals['pp_lang']['2'] = "2";
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$Globals['pp_lang']['6'] = "6";
$Globals['pp_lang']['7'] = "7";
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$Globals['pp_lang']['9'] = "9";
$Globals['pp_lang']['10'] = "10";
$Globals['pp_lang']['a'] = "a";
$Globals['pp_lang']['aboutme'] = "About Me";
$Globals['pp_lang']['add'] = "Add";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addbuddy'] = "Add this user to your buddy list";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addfav'] = "Add to Watch List";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addreview'] = "Add a Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addreviews'] = "Add your reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addselect'] = "Add Reviews - Select Reviews / Configure Properties";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addsubcat'] = "Add Subcat";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addyour'] = "Add your review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['admin'] = "Admin";
$Globals['pp_lang']['adminopts'] = "Admin Options";
$Globals['pp_lang']['adminreq'] = "You must be an Administrator to do this!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['agree'] = "Agree";
$Globals['pp_lang']['aim'] = "AIM";
$Globals['pp_lang']['allcats'] = "All Categories";
$Globals['pp_lang']['allimages'] = "all products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['and'] = "and";
$Globals['pp_lang']['author'] = "Author";
$Globals['pp_lang']['avgprice'] = "Average Price";
$Globals['pp_lang']['avgpur'] = "Average Purchase";
$Globals['pp_lang']['avgrate'] = "Average Rating";
$Globals['pp_lang']['b'] = "b";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badcall'] = "Script not called correctly.  Navigate to a specific product, then click on the edit link.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badfavcall'] = "Script not called correctly.  Navigate to a specific product, then click on the Add to Watch List link.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badmove'] = "You cannot move an product to that category, please try again.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bbcode'] = "BB Code legend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bday'] = "Birthday";
$Globals['pp_lang']['beforeany'] = "before anyone under the age of 13 can complete the registration.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bio'] = "Biography";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blankdesc'] = "Description cannot be left blank";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blankkey'] = "Keywords cannot be left blank";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blankpass'] = "The old password is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blankpass2'] = "The new password is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blanktitle'] = "Title cannot be left blank";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blankzip'] = "Zip Code cannot be left blank";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bulkuploads'] = "Bulk Uploads";
$Globals['pp_lang']['button'] =  "Delete These Cookies";
$Globals['pp_lang']['by'] = "by";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bytes'] = "bytes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['c'] = "c";
$Globals['pp_lang']['callimages'] = "All Products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cancel'] = "Cancel";
$Globals['pp_lang']['careful'] = "(CAREFUL - once it's gone it's gone)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['catchange'] = "Change category? (leave blank to leave alone)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['category'] = "Category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['catsearch'] = "Select categories";
$Globals['pp_lang']['changeform'] = "Password Change Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['changepass'] = "Change Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['check'] = "Only check this box if you want to completely delete this post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['checke'] = "Please check your email for instructions.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['chgthumb'] = "Select new images or leave blank to use current one";
$Globals['pp_lang']['chooseage'] = "Please choose your age:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['choosecat'] = "Choose a category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['choosetype'] = "Step 1 of 3<br />Choose the type of Product you want to place:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clast14'] = "Reviews Past 14 Days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clast7'] = "Reviews Past 7 Days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clastday'] = "Reviews Past Day";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clearcook'] =  "Delete My Cookies";
$Globals['pp_lang']['click'] = "click here";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clickhere'] = "Click here if you do not want to wait any longer<br />(or if your browser does not automatically forward you)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['complete'] = "Processing complete!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['confirmblank'] = "The confirm new password field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['confirmpass'] = "Confirm New Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cons'] = "Negative aspects of the product (cons)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cons1'] = "Cons";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookinfo'] =  "Current Site Cookie Information";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookmsg'] = "Deleting your site cookies can help resolve login or logout problems. After Deleting your cookies, please relogin to see if this solves any problems.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookname'] =  "Cookie Name";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookvalue'] =  "Cookie Value";
$Globals['pp_lang']['coppaform'] = "All users under the age of 13 must seek permission from their parent or guardian in order to gain membership to this site.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['coppainfo'] = "COPPA Information";
$Globals['pp_lang']['copyright'] = "Copyright Infringement";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cusserv'] = "Customer Service";
$Globals['pp_lang']['custom'] = "Custom View";
$Globals['pp_lang']['d'] = "d";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dailyuplimit'] = " exceeds your limit of daily uploads";
$Globals['pp_lang']['date'] = "Date";
$Globals['pp_lang']['datelast'] = "Date of last review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dateposted'] = "Date product posted";
$Globals['pp_lang']['daterange'] = "Specify a date range";
$Globals['pp_lang']['datereg'] = "Date Registered";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day'] = "Day";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day1'] = "Sun";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day2'] = "Mon";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day3'] = "Tue";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day4'] = "Wed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day5'] = "Thu";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day6'] = "Fri";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day7'] = "Sat";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day8'] = "day(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dealtime'] = "Find the lowest price for the {$title}";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deletechk'] = "If you want to <b>delete</b> this review completely, check this box";
$Globals['pp_lang']['delete'] = "Delete";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deleted'] = "Product has been deleted!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deleteimg'] = "Delete Photo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deletethis'] = "Delete";
$Globals['pp_lang']['desc'] = "Description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dimensions'] = "Dimensions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['disable'] = "Disable Email Updates";
$Globals['pp_lang']['disabled'] = "Email notification disabled.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['diskspace'] = "Disk Space";
$Globals['pp_lang']['distance'] = "Distance";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dupe'] = "Sorry, you already uploaded an image with that name.  Try a different name.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dupeimg'] = "is a duplicate image.<br /><br />Please upload the image with a different name.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dupepost'] = "You have already reviewed this product.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['e'] = "e";
$Globals['pp_lang']['edit'] = "Edit Product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editcat'] = "Edit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editdel'] = "Edit/Delete Message";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editdesc'] = "Edit Review Description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editkey'] = "Edit keywords";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editmy'] = "edit my profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editor'] = "Review Editor";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editproduct'] = "Edit Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editprofile'] = "Edit Profile for";
$Globals['pp_lang']['edittitle'] = "Edit title for the product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['email'] = "Email Address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['email'] = "Email";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailagain'] = "Enter Email Again";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailat'] = "The email address you entered is not valid. It must contain an \"@\" symbol.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailbad'] = "You did not enter a valid email address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailblank'] = "The email field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailconf'] = "Email Confirmation";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailexists'] = "The email address you entered already exists in our database.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailfriend'] = "EMail Product Link To Friend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailperiod'] = "The email address you entered is not valid. It must contain a period.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['empty'] = "Empty";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enable'] = "Receive Email Updates";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enabled'] = "Email notification enabled.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enter'] = "Enter!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enterkeys'] = "To help users find your ad, please enter a few (up to 10) descriptive keywords (separated by spaces)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enterup'] = "Please enter your username and password.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enterzip'] = "Enter Your Zip Code";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erroradd'] = "We experienced a problem adding your account. Please contact the System Administrator!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erotate'] = "Error rotating image!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erotatemed'] = "Error rotating medium image!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorcode'] = "Error code";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorcode'] = "Error code";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorcopy'] = "Copy of the file failed. Operation cancelled.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errordir'] = "Error creating directory. Please notify the System Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errornoname'] = "You need to enter the name of a file to upload!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorperm'] = "You do not have permission for this action!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorprocess'] = "There was a problem processing your image<p>Please notify the System Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorscript'] = "Script call malformed. Notify your Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errortype'] = "Image must be a .jpg, .gif, .tif or .png file.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorup'] = "File upload error. Cannot find uploaded file.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erroruser'] = "The username you chose is not valid. Usernames may not contain anything but numbers and letters.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['every1'] = "You can only rate a product once every {$Globals['ipcache']} hour(s).";
$Globals['pp_lang']['exceed'] = "Your file exceeded our limit of ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['exceed2'] = "kb.  Please go back and try again.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['exphplimit'] = "exceeds your PHP maximum upload value.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['excellent'] = "Excellent";
$Globals['pp_lang']['execute'] = "Execute Search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['f'] = "f";
$Globals['pp_lang']['fair'] = "Fair";
$Globals['pp_lang']['favorites'] = "Watch List";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filelimit'] = "file size limit.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filename'] = "Filename";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filenotice'] = "Files should already be in";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filesize'] = "Filesize";
$Globals['pp_lang']['find'] = "Find more posts by this user";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flip'] = "Flip Vertical";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flipped'] = "Image has been flipped!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flop'] = "Flop Horizontal";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flopped'] = "Image has been flopped!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forfurther'] = "For further information contact";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forgot'] = "Forgot Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forinfo'] = "For information about how this site uses personal information, please read the";
$Globals['pp_lang']['formore'] = "For more information about the registration process, or this website in general, please send email to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forumpass'] = "This forum requires a password for access!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forumrules'] = "Forums Rules";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forward'] = "Now forwarding you to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['fourchars'] = "Your password must be at least 4 characters long.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['fromyou'] = "Distance from you";
$Globals['pp_lang']['g'] = "g";
$Globals['pp_lang']['gallery'] = "Category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['gallsub'] = "Category Subscriptions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['good'] = "Good";
$Globals['pp_lang']['great'] = "Great";
$Globals['pp_lang']['h'] = "h";
$Globals['pp_lang']['hasimage'] = "Product Image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['help'] = "help";
$Globals['pp_lang']['home'] = "Home";
$Globals['pp_lang']['homepage'] = "Homepage";
$Globals['pp_lang']['i'] = "i";
$Globals['pp_lang']['icq'] = "ICQ Number";
$Globals['pp_lang']['icq'] = "ICQ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['image'] = "Image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['images'] = "images";
$Globals['pp_lang']['imageupload'] = "Product Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['inapprop'] = "Inappropriate material";
$Globals['pp_lang']['instruct'] = "Fill in the fields below to execute a search.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['interests'] = "Interests";
$Globals['pp_lang']['intonly'] = "This script is only used for ReviewPost's internal registration system.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['invalid'] = "Invalid call to script.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['j'] = "j";
$Globals['pp_lang']['k'] = "k";
$Globals['pp_lang']['keywords'] = "Keywords";
$Globals['pp_lang']['keywords1'] = "To help users find your product, please enter a few (up to 10) descriptive keywords (separated by spaces)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['l'] = "l";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last7'] = "last 7 days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last14'] = "last 14 days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastday'] = "last day";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastrating'] = "Last Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastproduct'] = "Last Product Upload";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastproductup'] = "Last Product Uploaded";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastreview'] = "Last Review Posted";
$Globals['pp_lang']['linksent'] = "Your link suggestion has been sent!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['littleproducts'] = "products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['location'] = "Location";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loggedin'] = "You're already registered and logged in!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['login'] = "Login";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loginbad'] = "Invalid login.  Please check your username and password, or";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loginbad2'] = "register";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loginok'] = "Login Successful!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['logout'] = "Logout";
$Globals['pp_lang']['logoutok'] = "Logging out! Please wait.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lreviews'] = "reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['m'] = "m";
$Globals['pp_lang']['makeindex'] = "Make Index Thumb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['malform'] = "Malformed parameter passed!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['manu'] = "Manufacturer";
$Globals['pp_lang']['manufact'] = "Enter the Product Manufacturer";
$Globals['pp_lang']['megabytes'] = "mb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['member'] = "Member";
$Globals['pp_lang']['memberpassadmin'] = "Member Password Admin";
$Globals['pp_lang']['memberprofile'] = "Member Profile ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['memlist'] = "Member List";
$Globals['pp_lang']['memprofile'] = "Member Profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['miles'] = "miles";
$Globals['pp_lang']['model'] = "Model";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moderators'] = "Moderators";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mogrify'] = "Unsupported call to modify image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month'] = "Month";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month'] = "Month";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month'] = "month(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month1'] = "January";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month10'] = "October";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month11'] = "November";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month12'] = "December";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month2'] = "February";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month3'] = "March";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month4'] = "April";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month5'] = "May";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month6'] = "June";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month7'] = "July";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month8'] = "August";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month9'] = "September";
$Globals['pp_lang']['more'] = "More Items";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moreinfo'] = "More information (if needed)?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['move'] = "Move product to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moved'] = "Moved product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['myfavorites'] = "Watch List";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mygallery'] = "My Products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['n'] = "n";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noaction'] = "No action specified";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noneed'] = "No need to move product to same category!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noperm'] = "You do not have permission for this action!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noproduct'] = "Product not found in your database!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noverify'] = "Sorry, but we are unable to verify this account.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nowatch'] = "Only registered users can have Watch Lists.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['newest'] = "Date (newest first)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['newpass'] = "New Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['next'] = "Next Product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noaction'] = "You do not have permission for this action!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noaddr'] = "That address was not found in our records.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noads'] = "no ads";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocatimg'] = "This category does not contain any products.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocats'] = "There are no categories in this section you can post to.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocom'] = "User reviews not allowed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocookies'] =  "You have no stored cookies for this site.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noedit'] = "You do not have permission to edit this review.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noeditperm'] = "You don't have permission to edit this profile.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noeditperm'] = "You don't have permission to edit this profile.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noemailmatch'] = "The email field must match the email confirmation field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nofile'] = "Uploaded file not found<br />Typical reason is that the file exceeded allowed limits.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nofill'] = "You did not fill in all the required fields.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nolimit'] = "No file size limit.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nomatch'] = "The new password field does not match the confirmation password field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nomore'] = "No more images found.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['none'] = "None";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noneed'] = "No need to move product to same category!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noneind'] = "None indicated";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonew'] = "New user registrations not allowed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonotify'] = "No notifications";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonum'] = "User number not found in our database.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noperm'] = "You do not have permission for this action!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopermcat'] = "You do not have permission to view the images in this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopost'] = "You don't have permission to post reviews for products in this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noproducts'] = "No products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['norec'] = "No recommendations";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noreg'] = "You must be a registered user to view product reviews!<p><b>To register click on the REGISTER button in the menu above.</b>";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noreviews'] = "No reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nosub'] = "No subscriptions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notfound'] = "This user does not exist.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nothumbs'] = "You selected a category which does not contain thumbnails.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notify'] = "Want to be notified by email when users post replies?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notmember'] = "Unregistered User's do not have a profile!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notrefresh'] = "if page does not refresh.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notype'] = "The file you uploaded was not an acceptable format.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nouser'] = "Unable to find user {$upuser}. Please check spelling.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['novermatch'] = "The email field does not match the email verification field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noview'] = "You do not have permission to view this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noviewperm'] = "You do not have permission to view this image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numrevs'] = "Number of reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numproducts'] = "Number of products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numthumbs'] = "Number of thumbnails to process next?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numviews'] = "Number of times products viewed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['o'] = "o";
$Globals['pp_lang']['occupation'] = "Occupation";
$Globals['pp_lang']['offline'] = "This user is offline";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldpass'] = "Old Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldwrong'] = "Your old password is not correct.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldwrong'] = "Your old password is not correct.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['online'] = "This user is online";
$Globals['pp_lang']['optional'] = "Optional Info";
$Globals['pp_lang']['order'] = "Order";
$Globals['pp_lang']['other'] = "Other";
$Globals['pp_lang']['over13'] = "Over 13 years of age";
$Globals['pp_lang']['overall'] = "Overall Rating";
$Globals['pp_lang']['p'] = "p";
$Globals['pp_lang']['page'] = "Page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parenter1'] = "You tried to parent a forum to one of its children.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parenter2'] = "You tried to parent a forum to itself.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parentprint'] = "Please have a parent/guardian print out this page, fill in the blanks below, and mail this permissions form to us at the following address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parentreq'] = "A parent or guardian must mail or fax a signed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passagain'] = "Enter Password Again";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passblank'] = "The password is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passchanged'] = "Password changed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passnomatch'] = "The password does not match the password verification field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passreq'] = "Password Required";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passverblank'] = "The password verification field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['password'] = "Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['permform'] = "Permission Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['permformlower'] = "permission form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['perpage'] = "Per Page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['perv'] = "Previous product in category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pleasepass'] = "Please enter password:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['plznote'] = "Please Note: Until we receive a signed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['plznote2'] = "from your parent or guardian you will be unable to upload products or post ratings.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['poor'] = "Poor";
$Globals['pp_lang']['popular'] = "Most Popular Products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['post'] = "Post a Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['posted'] = "posted products and";
$Globals['pp_lang']['postednoc'] = "posted products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['poster'] = "Poster";
$Globals['pp_lang']['postreply'] = "Post a Reply";
$Globals['pp_lang']['posts'] = "Posts";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prepare'] = "Preparing to process product list!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preppro'] = "Preparing to process next";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preset'] = "Your password has been reset and emailed to you.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prev'] = "Previous Product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preview'] = "show thumbnails in review search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['previewers'] = "% of reviewers";
$Globals['pp_lang']['price'] = "Price you paid?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pricing'] = "Pricing";
$Globals['pp_lang']['privacy'] = "Privacy Statement";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prlink'] = "Private link to access album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['proc'] = "Process";
$Globals['pp_lang']['process'] = "Process Files";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processall'] = "Click here to bypass approval process and upload all files in directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processbutton'] = "Process Files";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processing'] = "Processing product list";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prodid'] = "ReviewPost Product ID";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productadd'] = "ReviewPost Add Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productdesc'] = "Product description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productname'] = "Images of product to upload (if any, leave blank if not)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productnot'] = "Product Notifications";
$Globals['pp_lang']['products'] = "Products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['producttitle'] = "Product Model Name (e.g. GeForce256 32MB)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profile'] = "Profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profilefor'] = "Profile for";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profileupdated'] = "Profile updated.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['proreview'] = "Your product review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pros'] = "Positive aspects of the product (pros)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pros1'] = "Pros";
$Globals['pp_lang']['q'] = "q";
$Globals['pp_lang']['quickrate'] = "Quick Rate";
$Globals['pp_lang']['r'] = "r";
$Globals['pp_lang']['random'] = "Random Products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rate'] = "How would you rate this product?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rated'] = "You already rated this product a ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rateover'] = "Rate this product overall";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rateoverall'] = "Rate this product overall";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ratethis'] = "Rate this product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rating'] = "Rating";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ratings'] = "Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rebuild'] = "Rebuild Thumbnail";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recent'] = "Recent Products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recentcom'] = "Recent Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recomby'] = "Recommended By";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recommend'] = "Would you recommend the product?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['regfor'] = "Register for ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reginstruct'] = "Registration to this forum is free!

                    We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.
                    If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page.

                    Although the administrators and moderators of {$Globals['galleryname']} will attempt to keep all objectionable messages and images out
                    of our product reviews, it is impossible for us to review all messages.  All messages express the views of the author, and neither the
                    owners of {$Globals['galleryname']} or All Enthusiast, Inc. (developers of ReviewPost) will be held responsible for the content of any
                    message or any image in our product reviews.</font></p>

                    <p><font class=\"medium\">By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any
                    messages or upload any images that are obscene,
                    vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.</font></p>

                    <p><font class=\"medium\">The owners of {$Globals['galleryname']} have the right to remove, edit, or move
                    any image or post for any reason.</font></p>";
$Globals['pp_lang']['register'] = "Register";
$Globals['pp_lang']['registered'] = "Registered";
$Globals['pp_lang']['registerfor'] = "Register for";
$Globals['pp_lang']['regusers'] = "Users";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removefav'] = "Remove from Watch List";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removeindex'] = "Remove Index Thumb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['report'] = "Report Product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportproduct'] = "Report Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportreason'] = "Reason for reporting?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reqinfo'] = "Required Info";
$Globals['pp_lang']['resetform'] = "Reset Password Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['results'] = "result(s) to your search.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['retfront'] = "Return to the front page of";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviewdate'] = "Review Date";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviewed'] = "Products Reviewed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviews'] = "Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removed'] = "The product has been removed from your Watch List!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviews'] = "Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotateccw'] = "Rotate CCW";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotatecw'] = "Rotate CW";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotateccw1'] = "Image has been rotated counter-clockwise!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotatecw1'] = "Image has been rotated clockwise!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rulespol'] = "Rules & Policies";
$Globals['pp_lang']['s'] = "s";
$Globals['pp_lang']['s_instruct'] = "You can search one category, all or select multiple categories from the list below.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['savechanges'] = "Save Changes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['search'] = "Search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchg'] = "Search Categories";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searching'] = "Performing Search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchr'] = "Search Results";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchres'] = "Search Results";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchuser'] = "Search by Username";
$Globals['pp_lang']['secreq'] = "(The info in this section is required. Please note that passwords are case sensitive.)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seeall'] = "see all of this user's products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seebday'] = "If you select your birthday then other forum members will be able to see your birthday in your profile.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seeprofile'] = "Click here to see this users profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['selcat'] = "Step 2 of 3<br />Choose the category you wish to place your product:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sendpm'] = "Click here to Send this user a Private Message";
$Globals['pp_lang']['show'] = "Show thumbnails?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['showthumbs'] = "Show thumbnails during processing?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['skipupl'] = "Skip upload and process the files in your upload directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['smilies'] = "Smilies legend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sortby'] = "Sort by";
$Globals['pp_lang']['space'] = "Space used";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stars'] = "stars";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stats'] = "Statistics";
$Globals['pp_lang']['status'] = "Status";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stick'] = "Make Sticky";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subdesc'] = "When you hit SUBMIT, the file you selected will be uploaded.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['suberror'] = "Subscriptions not allowed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submit'] = "Submit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitchg'] = "Submit changes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitedit'] = "Submit Edit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitpost'] = "Submit Post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitreg'] = "Submit Registration Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submsg'] = "You have been subscribed to this category. You will receive email notifications for any uploads.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subscribe'] = "Subscribe to Category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['success'] = "Your post or edit was successful.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['t'] = "t";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tablehead'] = "Main Index";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tagged'] = "You have tagged this image as the thumbnail for the Index page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thanks'] = "Thanks for confirming your account.  It is now active!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thanksreg'] = "Thanks for registering. Please check your email for instructions on activating your new account.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbdone'] = "Thumbnail has been rebuilt!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbnail'] = "Thumbnail";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbs'] = "Number of thumbnails to process next?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['timezone'] = "Time Zone offset<br />Current adjusted time:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['title'] = "Title";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toadmin'] = "to the administrator of";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tool'] = "Reporting Tool";
$Globals['pp_lang']['topcat'] = "The category you chose is a top level category.<p>Please go back and choose one of its subcategories to upload your image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toposter'] = "Top Posters";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toprated'] = "Most Viewed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tosee'] = "Click here to see all of";
$Globals['pp_lang']['u'] = "u";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ubb'] = "UBB Code legend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['under13'] = "Under 13 years of age";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unlimit'] = "Unlimited";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unreg'] = "Unregistered";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unruser'] = "unregistered user";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unrusers'] = "unregistered users";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unstick'] = "Unstick";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubgallery'] = "Unsubscribe to Category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubmsg'] = "You have been unsubscribed from this category. You will not receive any further email notifications.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubscribe'] = "UNSUBSCRIBE";
$Globals['pp_lang']['untagged'] = "You have untagged this image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uplimit'] = "You have exceeded your upload limit of %pics% products per day.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userlimit'] = "Upload Limit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uplimit2'] = " %pictures% products per day.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upload'] = "Upload Products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uploadproduct'] = "Upload Product";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uploadsubmit'] = "Upload/Submit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upnot'] = "User uploads not allowed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upsuccess'] = "Your product was uploaded successfully!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upuser'] = "Upload products as user";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ureset'] = "User's password was reset and emailed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['user'] = "Member";
$Globals['pp_lang']['user2char'] = "Your username must be at least 2 characters long.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userblank'] = "The username is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userexists'] = "The username you chose already exists in our database.  Please choose another.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['username'] = "Username";
$Globals['pp_lang']['v'] = "v";
$Globals['pp_lang']['validemail'] = "Please enter a valid email address. It will not be visible to the public.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vencust'] = "How would you rate this vendor's customer service?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venneg'] = "Negative aspects of this vendor";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venoverall'] = "How would you rate this vendor overall?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venpos'] = "Positive aspects of this vendor";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venprice'] = "How would you rate this vendor's prices?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venrec'] = "Would you recommend this vendor?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venspend'] = "Amount you spent on your purchase?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['verblank'] = "The email verification field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['viewing'] = "viewing";
$Globals['pp_lang']['views'] = "Views";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visible'] = "The info below will be visible to all website visitors.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visitgallery'] = "Visit this user's products";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visithome'] = "Visit the user's homepage";
$Globals['pp_lang']['w'] = "w";
$Globals['pp_lang']['warning'] = "(Depending on the size of the file and your connection, this may take some time. <b>Please be patient.</b>)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['webnotice'] = "The product you reported has generated a notice to the webmaster.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['week'] = "week(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['welcome'] = "Welcome to the ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['welcomeuser'] = "Welcome,";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys1'] = "search title only";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys2'] = "search title and description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys3'] = "search all fields";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys4'] = "search reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whoonline'] = "Users browsing the product reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['within'] = "Within the last ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['wrongcat'] = "Review in wrong Category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['x'] = "x";
$Globals['pp_lang']['y'] = "y";
$Globals['pp_lang']['yahoo'] = "Yahoo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['year'] = "Year";
$Globals['pp_lang']['year'] = "year(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['youremail'] = "Your Email Address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['z'] = "z";
$Globals['pp_lang']['zipreg'] = "You must be a registered user to upload a ZIP file!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['zips'] = "ZIP file uploads allowed (2MB limit).";


Gianduja city
Visita sito
$Globals['pp_lang']['addreview'] = "Add a Review";

trudiciamo solo l'ultimo pezzo cioe diventa cosi vero

$Globals['pp_lang']['addreview'] = "aggiungi review";


@bmw-m-pover ci spartiamo il lavoro a meta?


Gianduja city
Visita sito
fino a qui lo faccio io

$Globals['pp_lang']['noeditperm'] = "You don't have permission to edit this profile.";

da li in poi lo fai tu ok?
dovrebbe essere circa la meta...... :-o


Gianduja city
Visita sito
correzioni sotto
fatto ma i ci sono delle parti che non so come tradurre e le ho segnate con un asterisco...... :nunsacci:
lo zip code da noi non esiste che si fa?
la definirei una versione beta da ricontrollare :-o


Biker superioris
Da tutta Italia
Visita sito
Ecco la seconda parte localizzata.

Ho avuto cura di mantenere intatti tutti gli identificatori di variabile.
E' possibile che mi sia scappata qualche maiuscola, errore che IMHO lo vedi meglio a runtime.

Lascio a voi il compito di correggere eventuali errori.


$Globals['pp_lang']['noemailmatch'] = "Il campo della mail inserita deve corrispondere a quello della mail di conferma";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nofile'] = "File uploadato non trovato<br />Controlla che il file che hai tentato di uploadare non abbia superato le massime dimensioni consentite";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nofill'] = "Non hai riempito tutti i campi richiesti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nolimit'] = "Taglia file senza limite";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nomatch'] = "La nuova password inserita non corrisponde alla password di conferma";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nomore'] = "Non sono state trovate altre immagini";
$Globals['pp_lang']['none'] = "nessuno";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noneed'] = "Non puoi spostare il prodotto nella stessa categoria!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noneind'] = "Nulla indicato";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonew'] = "Registrazione nuovo utente non permessa";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonotify'] = "Nessuna notifica";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonum'] = "Numero utente non reperibile nel nostro database";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noperm'] = "Non hai il permesso per questo tipo di azione!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopermcat'] = "Non hai il permesso per visualizzare l'immagine in questa categoria";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopost'] = "Non hai il permesso di postare review per i prodotti in questa categoria";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noproducts'] = "Nessun prodotto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['norec'] = "Nessuna raccomandazione";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noreg'] = "Devi essere un utente registrato per poter leggere le review<p><b>Per registrarti clicca sul pulstante Registrati in Alto.</b>";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noreviews'] = "No reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nosub'] = "No subscriptions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notfound'] = "Questo utente non esiste.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nothumbs'] = "Hai selezionato una categoria che non contiene miniature";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notify'] = "Vuoi essere avvisato via mail quando qualcuno risponde al tuo post?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notmember'] = "Gli utenti non registrati non dispongono di un profilo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notrefresh'] = "se la pagina non si ricarica.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notype'] = "Il file che stai tentando di uploadare non è di un formato riconosciuto.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nouser'] = "Impossibile trovare l'utente {$upuser}. Perfavore controlla l'ortografia";
$Globals['pp_lang']['novermatch'] = "Il campo delle mail non corrisponde al campo di verifica della mail";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noview'] = "Non hai il permesso per visualizzare questa categoria";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noviewperm'] = "Non hai il permesso per visualizzare questa immagine";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numrevs'] = "Numero di review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numproducts'] = "Numero di prodotti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numthumbs'] = "Nummero di miniature da elaborare successivamente?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numviews'] = "Numero di volte che il prodotto è stato visualizzato";
$Globals['pp_lang']['o'] = "o";
$Globals['pp_lang']['occupation'] = "Occupazione";
$Globals['pp_lang']['offline'] = "L'utente è offline";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldpass'] = "Password vecchia";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldwrong'] = "La tua vecchia password non è corretta";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldwrong'] = "la tua vecchia password non è corretta";
$Globals['pp_lang']['online'] = "This user is online";
$Globals['pp_lang']['optional'] = "informazione opzionale";
$Globals['pp_lang']['order'] = "Ordine";
$Globals['pp_lang']['other'] = "altro";
$Globals['pp_lang']['over13'] = "Età superiore ai 13 anni";
$Globals['pp_lang']['overall'] = "Punteggio globale";
$Globals['pp_lang']['p'] = "p";
$Globals['pp_lang']['page'] = "Pagina";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parenter1'] = "Hai tentato di linkare un forum padre al figlio";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parenter2'] = "hai tentato di linkare il forum padre a se  stesso ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parentprint'] = "Please have a parent/guardian print out this page, fill in the blanks below, and mail this permissions form to us at the following address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parentreq'] = "A parent or guardian must mail or fax a signed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passagain'] = "inserisci nuovamente la password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passblank'] = "Il campo password è vuoto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passchanged'] = "La password è cambiata";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passnomatch'] = "La password inserita non corrisponde al campo di verifica password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passreq'] = "Password necessaria";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passverblank'] = "Il campo di verifica password è vuoto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['password'] = "Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['permform'] = "Permission Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['permformlower'] = "permission form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['perpage'] = "Per Pagina";
$Globals['pp_lang']['perv'] = "Prodotto precedente nella categoria";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pleasepass'] = "Per favore inserisci la password:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['plznote'] = "Please Note: Until we receive a signed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['plznote2'] = "Non ti è possibile postare votazioni ai prodotti. Contatta gli amministratori del forum";
$Globals['pp_lang']['poor'] = "Poor;
$Globals['pp_lang']['popular'] = "I prodotti più visualizzati";
$Globals['pp_lang']['post'] = "Invia una Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['posted'] = "prodotti inseriti e";
$Globals['pp_lang']['postednoc'] = "prodotti inseriti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['poster'] = "Poster";
$Globals['pp_lang']['postreply'] = "Invia una risposta";
$Globals['pp_lang']['posts'] = "Posts";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prepare'] = "Inizio ad elaborare la lista dei prodotti.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preppro'] = "Mi preparo ad elaborare il prossimo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preset'] = "La tua password è stata resettata e la nuova ti è stata inviata tramite email";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prev'] = "Prodotto precedente";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preview'] = "Visualizza miniature nella pagina di ricerca dei prodotti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['previewers'] = "% di visitatori";
$Globals['pp_lang']['price'] = "Il prezzo da te pagato?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pricing'] = "Prezzo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['privacy'] = "Privacy Statement";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prlink'] = "Private link to access album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['proc'] = "Process";
$Globals['pp_lang']['process'] = "Process Files";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processall'] = "Clicca quì per bypassare il processo di approvazione e uploadare tutti i file nelle directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processbutton'] = "Process Files";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processing'] = "Sto elaborando la lista dei prodotti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prodid'] = "ReviewPost Product ID";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productadd'] = "ReviewPost Add Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productdesc'] = "Descrizione prodotto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productname'] = "Immagine del prodotto da caricare (se non disponi di immagini da caricare, lascia il campo in bianco)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['productnot'] = "Notifiche prodotti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['products'] = "Prodotti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['producttitle'] = "Nome modello (es. Specialized Demo 9)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profile'] = "Profilo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profilefor'] = "Profilo per";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profileupdated'] = "Profilo aggiornato.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['proreview'] = "La tua review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pros'] = "Aspetti positivi del prodotto (pro)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pros1'] = "Pro";
$Globals['pp_lang']['q'] = "q";
$Globals['pp_lang']['quickrate'] = "Giudizio veloce";
$Globals['pp_lang']['r'] = "r";
$Globals['pp_lang']['random'] = "Prodotti casuali";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rate'] = "Come valuteresti questo prodotto?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rated'] = "Hai già valutato questo prodotto ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rateover'] = "Vota questo prodotto in generale";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rateoverall'] = "Vota questo prodotto in generale";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ratethis'] = "Vota questo prodotto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rating'] = "Voti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ratings'] = "Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rebuild'] = "Ricostruisco le miniature";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recent'] = "Prodotti recenti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recentcom'] = "Revie recenti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recomby'] = "Raccomandato da";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recommend'] = "raccomanderesti questo prodotto?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['regfor'] = "Registrato per ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reginstruct'] = "La registrazione a questo forum è libera!

                    Insisistiamo per farti accettare le regole riportate quì sotto.
                    Se accetti i termini, per favore premi il tasto Agree sotto la pagina.

                    Anche se gli amministratori o i moderatori di {$Globals['galleryname']} cercheranno di mantenere tutte le reviews e le immagini ad esse associate il più possibile obiettivi
                    è per noi impossibile controllare tutte le review.</font></p>

                    <p><font class=\"medium\">By cliccando il pulsante Agree, garantisci che non invierai nessun testo o immagine pornografica, oscena,
                     volgare, razzista o religiosa e che viola in qualche modo le nostre regole.

                    <p><font class=\"medium\">The owners of {$Globals['galleryname']} hai il diritto di rimuovere, editare, o spostare
                    le tue immagini o le tue reviews per qualsiasi motivo ritenuto da te opportuno.</font></p>";
$Globals['pp_lang']['register'] = "Registra";
$Globals['pp_lang']['registered'] = "Registrato";
$Globals['pp_lang']['registerfor'] = "Registra per";
$Globals['pp_lang']['regusers'] = "Utenti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removefav'] = "Rimuovi dalla lista degli oggetti che osservi";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removeindex'] = "Rimuovi l'indice delle miniature";
$Globals['pp_lang']['report'] = "Riporta un prodotto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportproduct'] = "Riporta la Review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportreason'] = "Reason for reporting?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reqinfo'] = "Informazione richiesta";
$Globals['pp_lang']['resetform'] = "Resetta il campo password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['results'] = "risultati della tua ricerca.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['retfront'] = "Return to the front page of";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviewdate'] = "Review Date";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviewed'] = "Prodotti recensiti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviews'] = "Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removed'] = "Il prodotto è stato rimosso dalla lista degli oggetti che osservi!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reviews'] = "Reviews";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotateccw'] = "Ruota in senso antiorario";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotatecw'] = "Ruota in senso orario";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotateccw1'] = "L'immagine è stata ruotata in senso antiorario!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotatecw1'] = "L'immagine può essere rotata in senso orario!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rulespol'] = "Regole";
$Globals['pp_lang']['s'] = "s";
$Globals['pp_lang']['s_instruct'] = "Puoi cercare una sola categoria, tutte o seleziona più categorie dalla lista quì sotto.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['savechanges'] = "Salva i cambiamenti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['search'] = "cerca";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchg'] = "Cerca nelle categorie";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searching'] = "Appronto la ricerca";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchr'] = "Search Results";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchres'] = "Risultati di ricerca";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchuser'] = "Cerca per nome utente";
$Globals['pp_lang']['secreq'] = "(L'informazione è richiesta in questa sezione. Nota che le password sono case sensitive.)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seeall'] = "visualizza tutti i prodotti di questo utente";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seebday'] = "Se hai selezionato la tua data di nascita anche altri membri del forum potranno vederla nel tuo profilo.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seeprofile'] = "Clicca quì per vedere il profilo utente";
$Globals['pp_lang']['selcat'] = "Step 2 of 3<br />Seleziona la categoria in cui desideri inserire il tuo prodotto:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sendpm'] = "Clicca quì se vuoi mandare all'utente un messaggio privato";
$Globals['pp_lang']['show'] = "Mostro miniature?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['showthumbs'] = "Mostro le miniature durante l'elaborazione?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['skipupl'] = "Skip upload and process the files in your upload directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['smilies'] = "Emoticons";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sortby'] = "Sort by";
$Globals['pp_lang']['space'] = "Spazi usati";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stars'] = "stelle";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stats'] = "Statistiche";
$Globals['pp_lang']['status'] = "Status";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stick'] = "Rendi sempre visibile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subdesc'] = "Quando premi su SUBMIT, il file che hai selezionato sarà caricato.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['suberror'] = "Iscrizione non permessa.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submit'] = "Submit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitchg'] = "Submit changes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitedit'] = "Submit Edit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitpost'] = "Submit Post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitreg'] = "Submit Registration Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submsg'] = "Ti sei iscritto a questa categoria. Riceverai notifiche via mail per ogni post in questa categoria.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subscribe'] = "iscriviti alla categoria";
$Globals['pp_lang']['success'] = "Il tuo post o la tua modifica hanno avuto successo.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['t'] = "t";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tablehead'] = "Indice";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tagged'] = "You have tagged this image as the thumbnail for the Index page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thanks'] = "Grazie per la conferma.  Il tuo account è ora attivo!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thanksreg'] = "Grazie per esserti registrato. Per favore controlla la tua mail con le istruzione per attivare il tuo account.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbdone'] = "La miniatura è stata ricostruita!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbnail'] = "Miniature";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbs'] = "Numero di miniature da processare in seguito?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['timezone'] = "Time Zone offset<br />Current adjusted time:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['title'] = "Titolo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toadmin'] = "all'amministratore di";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tool'] = "Reporting Tool";
$Globals['pp_lang']['topcat'] = "La categoria da te scelta è una categoria al livello superiore.<p>Per favore vai indietro.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toposter'] = "Top Posters";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toprated'] = "i più visti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tosee'] = "Click quì vedere tutti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['u'] = "u";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ubb'] = "UBB Code legend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['under13'] = "Sotto i 13 anni di età";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unlimit'] = "Illimitato";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unreg'] = "non registrato";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unruser'] = "utente non registrato";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unrusers'] = "utenti non registrati";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unstick'] = "Unstick";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubgallery'] = "Cancellati da questa categoria";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubmsg'] = "Ti sei cancellato da questa categoria. Non riceverai più email di notifica.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubscribe'] = "CANCELLA L?ISCRIZIONE";
$Globals['pp_lang']['untagged'] = "Hai scollegato questa immagine";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uplimit'] = "Hai superato il tuo limite di upload di %pics% prodotti inseriti al giorno.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userlimit'] = "Limite di upload";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uplimit2'] = " %pictures% prodotti al giorno.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upload'] = "Upload Prodotti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uploadproduct'] = "Inserisci prodotto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uploadsubmit'] = "Upload/Submit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upnot'] = "Upload utente non validi";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upsuccess'] = "Il tuo prodotto è stato inviato con successo!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upuser'] = "Inserrisci prodotti come utente";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ureset'] = "La password utente sarà resettata e spedita via mail.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['user'] = "Membro";
$Globals['pp_lang']['user2char'] = "La minima lunghezza del tuo username è di almeno 2 caratteri.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userblank'] = "Lo spazio username è vuoto.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userexists'] = "Lo username da te scelto è già presente nel nostro database.  Per favore scegline un altro.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['username'] = "Username";
$Globals['pp_lang']['v'] = "v";
$Globals['pp_lang']['validemail'] = "Per favore inserisci un email valida. Essa non sarà pubblicamente visibile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vencust'] = "Come valuteresti il rapporto con la clientela di questo venditore?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venneg'] = "Aspetti negativi di questo venditore";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venoverall'] = "Come valuteresti in generale questo venditore?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venpos'] = "Aspetti positivi di questo venditore";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venprice'] = "Come valuteresti il prezzo di questo venditore?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venrec'] = "raccomanderesti questo venditore?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['venspend'] = "Totale speso per il tuo acquisto";
$Globals['pp_lang']['verblank'] = "Il campo di verifica mail è bianco";
$Globals['pp_lang']['viewing'] = "ossevando";
$Globals['pp_lang']['views'] = "Visti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visible'] = "L'informazione quì sotto riportata sarà visibile a tutti i visitatori";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visitgallery'] = "Visita il prodotto di questo utente";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visithome'] = "Visita la homepage dell'utente";
$Globals['pp_lang']['w'] = "w";
$Globals['pp_lang']['warning'] = "(Dipendentemente dalle dimensioni del file e dalla tua connessione, questo processo potrebbe richiedere molto tempo. <b>Per favore abbi pazienza.</b>)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['webnotice'] = "Il prodotto da te riportato ha generato un avviso al webmaster.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['week'] = "settimana(e)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['welcome'] = "benvenuto al ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['welcomeuser'] = "benvennuto,";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys1'] = "cerca solo nel titolo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys2'] = "cerca nel titolo e nella descrizione";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys3'] = "cerca in tutti i campi";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys4'] = "cerca un review";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whoonline'] = "Gli utenti che stanno navigando tra le recensioni dei prodotti";
$Globals['pp_lang']['within'] = "Entro l'ultimo ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['wrongcat'] = "Review in una categoria inesatta";
$Globals['pp_lang']['x'] = "x";
$Globals['pp_lang']['y'] = "y";
$Globals['pp_lang']['yahoo'] = "Yahoo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['year'] = "anno";
$Globals['pp_lang']['year'] = "anno(i)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['youremail'] = "Il tuo indirizzo email";
$Globals['pp_lang']['z'] = "z";
$Globals['pp_lang']['zipreg'] = "Devi essere un utente registrato per poter uploadare file zip!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['zips'] = "E'permesso caricare file ZIP di massimo 2MB.";

tommi nason

Biker poeticus
Visita sito
Gas29 full rigid
Buon e paziente lavoro, ma mi sembra che qui abbiate toppato un po'... mi permetto di mettere una traduzione significativa e leggibile...

$Globals['pp_lang']['reginstruct'] = "Registration to this forum is free!

                    We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.
                    If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page.

                    Although the administrators and moderators of {$Globals['galleryname']} will attempt to keep all objectionable messages and images out
                    of our product reviews, it is impossible for us to review all messages.  All messages express the views of the author, and neither the
                    owners of {$Globals['galleryname']} or All Enthusiast, Inc. (developers of ReviewPost) will be held responsible for the content of any
                    message or any image in our product reviews.</font></p>

                    <p><font class=\"medium\">By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any
                    messages or upload any images that are obscene,
                    vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.</font></p>

                    <p><font class=\"medium\">The owners of {$Globals['galleryname']} have the right to remove, edit, or move
                    any image or post for any reason.</font></p>";


$Globals['pp_lang']['reginstruct'] = "La registrazione a questo forum è gratuita!

Ti chiediamo di accettare esplicitamente le regole riportate qui sotto.
Se accetti i termini, per favore premi il tasto Agree sotto la pagina.

Anche se gli amministratori e i moderatori di {$Globals['galleryname']} cercheranno di eliminare dalle review dei prodotti qualsiasi testo o immagine che possa dar luogo a contestazioni è per noi impossibile controllare tutti i messaggi.</font></p>

<p><font class=\"medium\">Confermando con il tasto Agree garantisci che non invierai nessun testo o immagine di tipo pornografico, osceno, volgare, sessuale, razzista, religioso o che comunque violi in qualche modo le nostre regole.


<p><font class=\"medium\">L'autore di {$Globals['galleryname']} hai il diritto di rimuovere, editare, o spostare qualsiasi immagine o testo per qualsiasivoglia motivo.</font></p>";

Chiaramente nessuno è perfetto e anche qui ci saranno errori, imperfezioni, interpretazioni discutibili... diciamo che cerchiamo di approssimarci all'ottimo con un accettabile dispendio di tempo.
C'è eventualmente da controllare che il numero di righe risultanti non falsi il layout..



Gianduja city
Visita sito
non l'ho ricontrollato in tutto e per tutto e alcune locuzioni sono difficili da riportare in italiano....... :omertà:
inoltre hai fatto benissimo a segnalare eventuali errori chi ne trovasse altri non si faccia problemi a scriverli!!!! :-o
per quanto riguarda il layout bisogna provarlo e controllare che tutto funzioni

se qualcuno ha voglia ci sono delle frasi contrassegnate da *
dalle quali bisogna tirar fuori delle traduzioni sensate
se le fate scrivetele e saranno integrate nella traduzione :yeah!: :yeah!:

tommi nason

Biker poeticus
Visita sito
Gas29 full rigid
Alcune al volo...

*$Globals['pp_lang']['retfront'] = "Return to the front page of";
*$Globals['pp_lang']['reviewdate'] = "Review Date";

*$Globals['pp_lang']['retfront'] = "Torna alla pagina principale di";
*$Globals['pp_lang']['reviewdate'] = "Data della Review";

*$Globals['pp_lang']['searchr'] = "Search Results";

*$Globals['pp_lang']['searchr'] = "Risultati della Ricerca";

*$Globals['pp_lang']['submitreg'] = "Submit Registration Form";

*$Globals['pp_lang']['submitreg'] = "Sottometti il Modulo di Registrazione";

... devo tornare a lavorare...

Classifica giornaliera dislivello positivo

Classifica mensile dislivello positivo