[Video] Johannes Von Klebelsberg Interview

  • Siete di quelli che, quando comincia a fare freddo, mettono la bici in garage e vanno in letargo, sdivanandosi fino alla primavera? Quest’anno avrete un motivo in più per tenervi in forma, e cioè la nostra prima Winter Cup, che prende il via il 15 novembre 2024 e si conclude il 15 marzo 2025.
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Ian Collins

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Racing a DH World Cup season without a team, without sponsors and alongside a job, Joannes Von Klebelsberg knows that anything is possible! Now better known as the “Denim Destroyer”, we followed him to Lenzerheide to find out who he is, how he got there and what’s so special about those jeans…

Can you please tell us about yourself? 

Hello, I am Joannes Von Klebelsberg, little bit of a difficult name! I come from the northern part of Italy, it’s a German speaking part of Italy so that’s why I have a German name. I am 24 years-old and I work in Munich during the time I don’t ride bikes.

What is your job in Munich? 

I run a restaurant with a traditional South Tyrolien kitchen. Northern...

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