News Video: ciclista menato da automobilista

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KM Percorsi

Roba da fuori di testa. Successo negli Stati Uniti. Il pazzoide 65enne in auto è stato poi arrestato. La vittima è un 74enne. Mi chiedo con che animo certa gente si metta su strada.

"A shocking video of a driver attacking a cyclist with a club in Peterborough on Tuesday morning has ended in an arrest.
Police in Peterborough say a 74-year-old man was riding his bike on Erskine Avenue at around 11 a.m. when he became involved in an argument with the driver of a truck who was also travelling in the area at the time.
At some point, the driver got out of his vehicle and confronted the cyclist.

Police have charged a Peterborough man after a cyclist was attacked by a driver with a club on July 18, 2017.
cyclist attacked with club, Peterborough
A cyclist is bloodied after being attacked by a driver with a club in an apparent road rage incident in Peterborough on July 18, 2017.
“During the argument, the victim was assaulted and struck with a small club several times,” Peterborough Police spokesperson Lauren Gilchrist told CTV News Toronto.
“We did receive a call from a witness in the area about a male that was being assaulted.”
A nearby business owner who witnessed the ordeal rushed out of her shop and toward where the man had stopped his truck.
In the video, the driver can be seen on top of the cyclist, pinning him to the ground and striking him with an object.
“You just hit him with a club,” the woman, who does not want to be identified, shouts.
The cyclist, now bleeding profusely from his head, stands up and assures the woman he’s okay.
As he turns around, he asks the woman where exactly he’s bleeding from.
“Everywhere, everywhere,” she responds.
In the video, the driver claims that he “tried to walk away” from the dispute, but other drivers who stopped after witnessing the attack can be heard refuting his claims.
“I watched from my shop and I filmed the whole thing,” the woman says.
Eventually, the driver got back into his truck and left the scene while the passersby stayed to help the injured cyclist.
The extent of the elderly man’s injuries is unclear.
The driver of the truck was found and arrested by police a short time later.
A suspect identified as 65-year-old David Fox, of Peterborough, has been charged with aggravated assault and assault with a weapon.
He is due in court sometime in August."

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