[Video] Carson Storch Redefines Train Hopping

  • Siete di quelli che, quando comincia a fare freddo, mettono la bici in garage e vanno in letargo, sdivanandosi fino alla primavera? Quest’anno avrete un motivo in più per tenervi in forma, e cioè la nostra prima Winter Cup, che prende il via il 15 novembre 2024 e si conclude il 15 marzo 2025.
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Simon Silver

Santa Cruz California
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Carson Storch is a mountain bike athlete to behold. A name that’ll resonate throughout the history of freeride and slopestyle for years to come, and a hot contender for taking the crown at Red Bull Rampage 2019. Carson first came into the public consciousness as a freeride mountain biker in 2013 when he landed the cover of Bike Magazine – a feat that many athletes who wait their whole career for.
Transitioning from slopestyle, to freeride and film, Carson is a truly dynamic athlete who has experienced the highs and lows of competition but always comes out fighting on top. So, without any fancy camera work, slow-mo effects and stylish music, here’s Carson Storch’s raw and pure ride as he races the train in his new rail blazing edit.

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