[Video] CamMcCaul Afternoon Ride In Bend

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Simon Silver

Santa Cruz California
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“I had a quick 3 days at home between trips, so to keep up with the weekly videos, I decided to have a 2 hour session at a riding spot in Bend called “The Lair.” Why only two hours? Caleb was down to film me (even though it was his birthday) but he only had a 2 hour window. Without a clue what to expect from the session, we decided to start out with a little challenge… barspin to no-handed lander. A whole crew of little grom rippers showed up and that’s when stuff got crazy. After a big crash from one of the rippers, we got his bike all fixed up; and like a champion, he got back on the horse for a big party train. After the party train, it was back to some challenges. Some transfers, some tricks, some combos, and then a bright idea… Go hit the big step-down and work on barspinning it. After hitting it once, the skies opened up and unleashed a torrential downpour of rain on our heads. After seeking shelter, we decided that the barspin off of the big step-down will have to wait for...

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