[Video] Cam McCaul – TREK CX CUP

  • Siete di quelli che, quando comincia a fare freddo, mettono la bici in garage e vanno in letargo, sdivanandosi fino alla primavera? Quest’anno avrete un motivo in più per tenervi in forma, e cioè la nostra prima Winter Cup, che prende il via il 15 novembre 2024 e si conclude il 15 marzo 2025.
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Simon Silver

Santa Cruz California
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Cyclocross?? Seriously Cam? Yep, seriously. Well.. seriously serious about not being that serious. But seriously though… What a time. Trek invited me out to their headquarters in Waterloo Wisconsin to be a part of a huge event they host each year called the TREK CX CUP. It’s a Cyclocross World Cup Race, so that portion of it IS quite serious. The best riders from all over the world duking it out for valuable points, prize money, and glory. But if you know anything about TREK, you know that they seriously know how to have a good time. TREK CX CUP is a weekend full of fun on bikes for all-ages with no shortage of shenanigans. From this video’s thumbnail, you might notice a couple things. First, I seem to be wearing a bunny rabbit costume.. More on that later. Second, there seems to be a 2-time Cyclocross World Champion on the bottom left giving me a judgmental stare-down. Yep, that’s my Cyclocross coach, Sven Nys. He and his pro racer son, Thibau Nys got my Cyclocross experience...

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