Tara Llanes in ospedale - updates Stephen Murray
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As you may or may not know, Tara crashed in the Jeep King of the Mountain race on Saturday, September 1 in Veil, Colorado. She was airlifted to Denver Health Hospital, where she underwent 7 hours of surgery to correct massive trauma in her lower back. She also has a C-7 fracture which was deemed stable prior going into surgery.
Tara once again made it through another surgery and is now breathing on her own and able to communicate with friends and family. Unfortunately at this time she has no feeling below her waist, a symptom she suffered as a result of her crash.
We will continue to learn more about her injuries in the upcoming weeks and will continue to keep you posted. Since coming out of surgery, Tara, drugged and very happy, has kept in good spirit and has promised not to let this beat her.
We ask that you have as much faith as Tara does throughout this difficult period. Please leave a message on this page and we will make sure she receives each and every one of them. In the meantime, we are hoping Tara will be able to come back home in 1 to 2 weeks. If you would like to send anything, she is at:
Denver Health Medical Center
777 Bannock Street, Room A224
Denver Colorado, 80204
Visto che siamo in tema vi ricorderei che da giugno 2007 c'è uno dei migliori bmx riders in ospedale dopo essersi rotto 3 vertebre del collo: Stephen Murray. Potete leggere gli aggiornamenti sul suo stato di salute qui (è un calvario, vi metto in guardia, io me lo sono sognato per una notte intera). Se volete aiutare basta fare una piccola offerta qui.
Internet in questo caso può servire a farle sentire che non è da sola in questo momento difficile scrivendo un commento qui, se volete.
As you may or may not know, Tara crashed in the Jeep King of the Mountain race on Saturday, September 1 in Veil, Colorado. She was airlifted to Denver Health Hospital, where she underwent 7 hours of surgery to correct massive trauma in her lower back. She also has a C-7 fracture which was deemed stable prior going into surgery.
Tara once again made it through another surgery and is now breathing on her own and able to communicate with friends and family. Unfortunately at this time she has no feeling below her waist, a symptom she suffered as a result of her crash.
We will continue to learn more about her injuries in the upcoming weeks and will continue to keep you posted. Since coming out of surgery, Tara, drugged and very happy, has kept in good spirit and has promised not to let this beat her.
We ask that you have as much faith as Tara does throughout this difficult period. Please leave a message on this page and we will make sure she receives each and every one of them. In the meantime, we are hoping Tara will be able to come back home in 1 to 2 weeks. If you would like to send anything, she is at:
Denver Health Medical Center
777 Bannock Street, Room A224
Denver Colorado, 80204
Visto che siamo in tema vi ricorderei che da giugno 2007 c'è uno dei migliori bmx riders in ospedale dopo essersi rotto 3 vertebre del collo: Stephen Murray. Potete leggere gli aggiornamenti sul suo stato di salute qui (è un calvario, vi metto in guardia, io me lo sono sognato per una notte intera). Se volete aiutare basta fare una piccola offerta qui.