Se mi collego al .de tutto OK tranne che non vedo i messagi non letti dall'ultima visita, se invece scrivo il link con il .net mi appare la seguente videata:
Enter in site:
1. Checking browser.... [OK]
2. Checking Patches [ERROR]
3. Enter in site [ERROR|step 2 can't run]
You need download update for your's Microsoft Windows* (Windows-KB833987-x86.exe)
Download update NOW!
*Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
A me puzza tanto di Hackeraggio?!
Enter in site:
1. Checking browser.... [OK]
2. Checking Patches [ERROR]
3. Enter in site [ERROR|step 2 can't run]
You need download update for your's Microsoft Windows* (Windows-KB833987-x86.exe)
Download update NOW!
*Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
A me puzza tanto di Hackeraggio?!