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MM Dual Urban race 29.4. Nova Gorica-SLO

4x Plave

Biker novus
Plave, Slovenia
Visita sito
Sorry for posting in English, but my Italian is very bad.

As some of you might know, at the end of April a festival called Mesto Mladih
(city of teenagers) is being held held in Nova Gorica: A lot of koncerts, sports and different things to do.
This year is the first time, that a mountain bike race is being held on Saturday 29. of April. It will be a DUAL race on asfalt over different artifficial jumps and other obsticals in the center of N.Gorica. Money prizes, practical prizes, a lot of people, koncerts and party after the race and a lot more.

MM Urban race
29. 4. 06
start: 11.00
finals: 18.00
starting fee: 11 Euro
localita: Nova Gorica, Slovenija

Original message in Slovene:

Kot nekateri verjetno veste poteka v zadnjem tednu aprila prireditev, kadar mladi preplavijo Novo Gorico in to je Mesto Mladih. Organizacijo ima na čez Klub Goriških Študentev. Letos pa se bo prireditvi pridružila dirka gorskih kolesarjev v dvoboju ( včasih Bike fight ), v organizaciji KGŠ - ja in kolesarskega kluba KK DJAK v sodelovanju z SNURFCLUB-om ( pnevmatska rampa, timing in komentator) ter SOKOL-a ( objekti).

Lokacija: pred knjižnico Frabceta Bevka, občinsko stavbo MONG in PDG - jem. ( primorskim dramskim gledališčem )

sobota 29.4.06
0d 10 do 19ih

Denarne nagrade, praktične nagrade, dosti ljudi, dosti koncertov po dirki in še in še.....

4x Plave

Biker novus
Plave, Slovenia
Visita sito
Now it is official:

Saturday 29. April 2006

urban dual race: MM Urban race in nova Gorica


between France Bevk library and town hall NG and PDG.

Track: split tracks at the beggining, then 3 table jumps, a 180 turn, back again over jumps, wallride and the last jump.

It is obligatory to wear a helmet, safety equipment recomended.


Time table:
14-15.30 practice, course inspection
16-17.30 qualication
18.00 finals
21.00 award ceremony

1. place - 30.000 sit (126 euro)+ practical prizes + medal
2. place - 20.000 sit (84 euro)+ practical prizes + medal
3. place - 10.000 sit (42 euro)+ practical prizes + medal

Under 15 years: 1,2,3 place practical prizes + medal

Starting fee:

2500 sit or 8euro
under 18 years 2000 sit or 5 euro
( registrations on race day)

The race is followed by tha award ceremony and a SKA concert on the border (Piazza transalpina)

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