• La Specialized Stumpjumper arriva al numero 15, cioé alla sua quindicesima ediuzione, cambiando forma del telaio, escursione e soprattutto sospensione posteriore, perché adesso troviamo un ammortizzatore sviluppato dal marchio americano in collaborazione con Fox, il Genie.
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miami bryce rotto


Biker assatanatus
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facciata in vacanza a wistler:


Josh Bryceland Collar Bone Update
Posted on August 20, 2008 @ 11:38 AM
Just got a call from Miami-Bryce who is back in the UK after busting his collar bone in Whistler. Apparently he got his baggy shorts caught in his forks over a double and went down hard. I was talking about this to Jonesy and we reckon the "baggy shorts getting caught" phonomena is quite a common thing these days.

Here's what Miami had to say:

I'm home now and will shortly be going for a consultation with a surgeon.

It's a clean break in the center of the collarbone at it's maximum displacement.

If I let the bone heal naturally it's 6-8 weeks off the bike meaning I will miss Schladming and some other dates that I could do with being able to ride for.

Unfortunately to get an operation to plate the break we are going to have to go private as the NHS won't cover it.

But this does means that i'll be back on the bike a lot sooner.

Currently I'm leading the Junior World Cup by 50 points so to keep the lead I need to do Schladming really.

It's looking like I will have the operation but I'll send out another update when I find out for sure.


Biker assatanatus
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ah ah in bici me le dai, ma a scrivere minghiate so' più veloce!
si ha 50 punti di vantaggio,vorrebbe mettersi la placca per recuperare in tempo per shladming ma la federazione non gli passa l'intervento..
e noi che ci lamentiamo della mutua..

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