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Megavalanche Perù

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Diretur Heiliger Geist
Membro dello Staff
Vico Road, Dalkey
La magavalanche Peru' si terra' questa domenica a Macchu-Picchu, partenza da 4400m ed arrivo a 2800m con condizioni meteo da brivido...
Si parte con neve e pioggia arrivando su terreno arido secco con 30 gradi al Finisch...

Maggiori notizie su http://www.megavalancheperu.com/

Ci saranno anche Alan Beggin e Walter Belli


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Celle Ligure (SV)
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Alla fine Steve Peat ha avuto la meglio, ma bravissimo anche Beggin:

Deuxième édition de la MEGAVALANCHE de Cusco au Pérou, ces 25 et 26 mars derniers, avec une participation locale qui enfle en même temps que la ferveur populaire dans cette fabuleuse Vallée de l’Urumbamba sanctuaire du plus célèbre monument Inca : le Macchu Picchu. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Preuve que le VTT est universel puisque sous sa forme Alpine, il « surfe » de la Cordillère des Andes aux crêtes du massif Pyrénéen ou sur le Haut Atlas et autres Grands Canyons. .<o:p></o:p>
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Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
[comunicato stampa] - The second edition of MEGAVALANCHE in Cusco Perou happened last march 25th and 26th and it was a real popular success with an increasing local participation and an incredible local favour in the Valley of URRUMABA neaby the famous Macchu Picchu.
This race is the evidence that Mountain Bike is universal as it goes from the Andean to the pyrenees or the Atlas in North Africa and any other mountain area.

Some of the best riders took part in this race.
The USA were represented by the emblematic Brian LOPES (GT), for United Kingdom Steve PEAT (SANTA CRUZ) came to find his marks in Marathon DH, Tomas MISSER (COMMENCAL) was defending the colours of Spain and one of the most promising italian rider Allan BEGGIN (MAPEI) who did his best. We were waiting a lot from the winner of the Marathon DH European Cup rider of COMMENCAL Team Rémy ABSALON for France.

The qualification races were fatal to Brian LOPES (GT) (his bike was completely broken), who happened in very hard weather conditions : lot of rain and very cold temperature on the departure area near 5.000 m of altitude.
After these qualification races, we could already see the very good performance of South American such as Felipe RIOS o Alejandro PAZ for Peru, Andres SOTOMAYOR for Ecuador and Dandy GUACHALLA for Bolivia who do not always have a bike as much efficient as they need but their enthousiasm and their determinationcompensate for their handicap.

It is the Veronica Mountain at nearly 6.000 m who dominate the departure area.
On Sunday morning, lots of local people called « Andinos » go into great raptures about all theses riders . It is an amazing thing to see their orange suits, their traditionnal hat and only for this, it is worth to go to Peru.

From the beginning, the 3 first riders are doing the « hole shot » and until the arrival, they all take the advantage for a time but finally Steve PEAT finish firts.
During the first run, Steve PEAT who already won the Megavalanche of Reunion Island in 2001 arrives first and thousand of people are waiting all the riders. Allan BEGGIN, that nobody would have imagine in such position even win in front of Remy ABSALON. The first Peruvian is Felipe RIOS and finish in 5th position.

For the second run, Remy who was favourite is ready to fight and even take the first position in front of Steeve Peat on this track with very fast parts even more technical with all the rains felt the days before. But Steeve PEAT did not say his last word and kept some strengths for the right moment : at nearly 600 m from the arrival line, he passed the Commencal rider on a flying session under the ovation of the public.

The last meters did not give the opportunity to Remy to take again advantage in front of Steeve PEAT. Finally, it is a European podium with the victory of Steeve PEAT in front of the French Remy ABSALON, the italian Allan BEGUIN is 3rd, the canadian Mike JONES is 4th in front of the Spanish Toma MISSER But the first Peruvian are very very near with Felipe RIOS 6th and Alejandro PAZ 7th.

We can already imagine that South american will become specialists of Marathon DH in a few years&#8230;

Next appointment for Marathon DH is the first European Cup in Andorra &#8211; VALLNORD on May 20th and 21st.


1st run :
1 Steve Peat (SANTA CRUZ)
2 Alan Beggin (MAPEÏ)
3 Remy Absalon (COMMENCAL)

2nd run:
1 Steve Peat (SANTA CRUZ)
2 Remy Absalon (COMMENCAL)
3 Misser Tomas (COMMENCAL)
4 Alan Beggin (MAPEÏ)

Résults Megavalanche Perou


1 Steve Peat (Santa Cruz)
2 Remy Absalon (Commencal)
3 Alan Beggin (Mapei))

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