Meekboyz - 10 Year Olds Ripping Whistler on Custom Carbon Bikes

  • La Specialized Stumpjumper arriva al numero 15, cioé alla sua quindicesima ediuzione, cambiando forma del telaio, escursione e soprattutto sospensione posteriore, perché adesso troviamo un ammortizzatore sviluppato dal marchio americano in collaborazione con Fox, il Genie.
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Ian Collins

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Meekboyz - 10 Year Olds Ripping Whistler on Custom Carbon Bikes


We just caught wind of Meekboyz, a new bike company building carbon fiber DH bikes for kids in 20", 24" and 26" wheels with specially designed linkages that allow shocks to run 100-150 PSI range (appropriate for lighter riders). Interesting stuff to say the least...After watching the Meeks ripping Whistler above, check out the press release below for all of the details.

[Press Release]...
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