Madeira Bike Race 2020

  • Siete di quelli che, quando comincia a fare freddo, mettono la bici in garage e vanno in letargo, sdivanandosi fino alla primavera? Quest’anno avrete un motivo in più per tenervi in forma, e cioè la nostra prima Winter Cup, che prende il via il 15 novembre 2024 e si conclude il 15 marzo 2025.
    Iscriviti al canale se non l'hai ancora fatto (clicca qui).

Ian Collins

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For the past ten years, Madeira, a Portuguese Island located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean has been carving its way to become one of the best mountain bike destinations in the planet! Big mountains, beautiful landscapes, delicious food, warm weather all year round and over 600 years of history and culture makes Madeira the ultimate adventure and a reason to be on your bucket list for the years to come! Combine all of this with some of the most challenging and unique mountain bike trails and you got yourself a race and a
ride to remember.

With the goal of promoting the island as an adventure destination, we’ve been organizing mountain bike events, improving our trail network and connecting all the loose dots; ultimately offering a unique experience of what Madeira is all about. Since 2017 we jumped...

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