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Biker superioris
emilia romagna
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buongiorno vorrei far notare che unno bikes, fondato da César Rojo (qualcuno che ne sa di bici, è l'ideatore della foward geometry, cioè quasi della mtb moderna), che sta cercando diverse soluzioni particolari e sembra molto interessante come brand. Intanto come ha già scritto il mag le bici sono in fibra di carbonio create a mano in spagna, utilizzando fibre ad altissimo modulo e materiali pregiati, quindi per una volta il costo esagerato sarà parzialmente giustificato. La geometria della bici da xc è molto interessante come ho già segnalato in un altro thread (http://www.mtb-forum.it/community/forum/showthread.php?t=341950) e la cinematica della sospensione sembra ottima per la pedalata. Ultimamente hanno parlato di una cosa ancora più interessante secondo me, hanno iniziato a testare la fox 40 abbassata a 160mm sulla bici da enduro. Così la bici ha messo su circa 700gr ma dicono che vada molto meglio. A me questa cosa piace molto, io sinceramente ci vedrei meglio una boxxer perché è più leggera e non così rigida, una fox 40, abbassata tra l'altro (quindi molto più rigida) potrebbe stancare troppo le mani e le braccia in una gara con diverse ps molto lunghe, però i vantaggi sono innegabili visto che ormai l'enduro è molto più discesistico e la bici nonostante tutto è ampiamente sotto i 14 kg (non mi ricordo con precisione se 13,5 o meno, comunque poco importa) quindi gli svantaggi in termini di peso non dovrebbero essere così importanti. Voi cosa ne pensate del nuovo brand e a quello che sta provando? intanto secondo me è già notevole che stia provando a fare cose diverse, magari tra qualche anno le forcelle da enduro saranno tutte doppia piastra grazie a lui, chi sa, ormai tutti stanno facendo sempre le stesse cose senza sperimentare nuove soluzioni portando al limite le vecchie.
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Biker incredibilis
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Canfield, Antidote, Singular
Ero rimasto favorevolmente impressionato leggendo la presentazione della loro gamma, ma poi non avevo seguito più nulla.
Ora grazie al tuo messaggio sono andato a vedere sulla loro pagina facebook e devo dire che trovo molto molto interessante il loro lavoro...
Super intrigante la full da XC,
e davvero interessante la sperimentazione della doppia piastra sulla enduro che hai segnalato.

Riporto il loro post in proposito:
So first impressions on the 40s. First of all we would like to remark that are impressions, not conclusions, you cannot make any real conclusions after just riding something for two hours, so that will take more time, back to back testing and so on… So for now how it felt.

STEEP CLIBS. When gets super steep, climbs of 25 to 30% the front end is more stable due to the extra weight up front, this means you can get some extra weight on the back wheel and keep the front on the ground and better traction on the rear. On a short segment of over 30% is the best time I have climbed (yesterday rained, so that helped a bit, but still felt the bike more stable up front), this doesn’t mean that it needed more effort, due to higher weight, but I was able to climb it in a more controlled way. To make it clear, it took more effort, but is a ramp that 60% of the times I don’t make it to the top without putting my feet on the ground.
TORSIONAL STIFFNESS. Going down, there is basically no color. Is it worth it, is it faster? Depends, you can go fast on a hardtail, on a flat tire, or even running, but it does give you more confidence, that usually leads to an average time on the same trial that is faster through many runs, instead of only being able to peak. What I mean, is you can go almost as fast on a 100mm bike than on a endure (depends on the trail of course), but you have huge chances of not making it to the bottom on the hardtail, while on the enduro probably you make it 10 out of 10. But what is completely clear, is that the super large momentum that a triple clamp creates; you have to think the triple clamp as a steering tube that goes from the outer of each stanchion, compared to a 30mm steering tube, is huge. Is not like making your rear hub 5mm wider and saying now the bikes are stiff enough, no jokes here! I was able to cross rut and basically don’t give a Sh*t where my front wheel was really going, over jumping, landing anywhere, it was just pure fun! Having in mind that in enduro sometimes you need to improvise, well, makes some sense… Still if you have a triple crown fork around, just hold the front wheel between your legs and twist the bar, then do it on a single crown.
WEIGHT. Hasn’t been a real problem, but for this I need to do back to back tests. I can feel a huge difference when I go from a hardtail to an enduro bike, but I almost do not feel it from a trail to enduro when is under 1kg, up front we were running DH tire, with DT Dh wheelset, so some extra weight there. Of course weight counts, but… How much? I think this is a personal question, some will prefer the lighter, some others won’t care. Front end being more heavy when jumping, slow, or something like that, really no big deal, when you manual you have to pull a bit more, you need to get a bit more vertical, but nothing major really that will take just a few pulls to get used to it.
TURNING. Going down is a no brainer that you won’t have any issue, and only when crashing (haha) you will probably turn completely the bars, but will be a bit late… Going up, in a trail with some tight turns, I never felt I was even getting close to it… More testing needed for this, you can always check some gopro footage from riding to get an idea how much you turn your bars.

STEM. It makes you use a 50mm stem if you want to keep the front end at the same height of the single crown, I got used to ride 35 to 40mm and this extra 15/10mm where not something I really liked.
CUSTOM. Well is something custom made, not on the market, yet. Will it ever be? We’ll see in a few years from now I guess.

So as initial conclusion, I believe is a big deal for racing (but still more testing needed), my decision on trying this was seeing Sam Hill style on a DH bike against his style on the enduro bike, HUGE difference. Will I have it on my everyday bike, of course not, basically because I will never have a enduro bike as daily bike, just too much travel for daily use it makes you go too quick. But if I ever decide to race enduro, will really think about it (but still more test to be done)… Into more testing now, let us know your thoughts, we will give you ours as they come!

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