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Hi guys, I dont speak italian-need your advise! :)


Biker novus
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hi, Sorry but I just came to Italy for one year period (study) and I havent picked up italian yet :)
In my country Im more into a downhill,all-moutain stuff but here I would not survive without anything involved with bikes :) So Im in Milan and I would like to know if there's a point of buying some bike, I was thinking about XC bike. Are there any trails around Milan? I dont have a car here unforunatlly, can I take a bike into train? Thank you guys in advance :)

you can reply in italian and i can translate it on computer but I'd prefer english,thanks


Biker ciceronis
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There are a lot of shops in milan, for example: La Bicicletteria and Pro-m.
If you get a quick search on google u will find them.
I'm close to Milan, and have some friends who live in milan. We are most into dh and freeride, but if you want to do it...you have really nice places but at 1hour by car.

There are a lot of trails in the "Como-Lecco" area...Milan is preatty flat, but i think that you can pick ur bike with you on the train...but i'm not 100% sure on that.

If you need more advices, here is msn adress:venatoriusss@hotmail.com . you can contact me if you like.



Biker velocissimus
hi man! u can make the train milano - lecco in porta garibaldi station and get off in olgiate molgora. i live here and there are some freeride trails near my house. what about?? u can contact me with a private mex, so i give u my e-mail, ok? C U


Biker novus
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thanks guys for replies. While I was coming to Milan I thought Alps (sic!!) and everything but here in Milan it looks so damm flat and urbanized :( and I even havent found any good shops. I found Iron Horse dealer (I got Sunday which I love it) in Milan but when I went there I saw only small sticker on closed doors :(...
Thanks for those shops names-Im gonna check them up tomorrow. Anyway I wouldnt mind doing anything like even XC (thinking to buy some bike from decathlon) but I need to be sure theres where to go without a car...
If I want to come to Milan on summer with my dh rig how far are the closest bikeparks?


Biker velocissimus

without car. u can't ride in really bikeparks. u can come in olgiate...write me...


Biker tremendus
if u wanna do dh, u can carry you bike to the thrain in garibaldi station, and get down at stresa (lago maggiore) and after take the cable lift to mottarone: is a nice spot for freeriding...
also if u wanna u can contact my team freerideforces, we live around milan and someone can lift u and uor bike on his van


Biker superis
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hi hemi. if you don't want to take a train but simply pedalling, after more or less 15-20km in each direction from milano center you can find some little trails and hills:
- north.north east: brianza (and if you go on you can arrive to lecco and/or)
- east: after 25km you can get the adda river and follow north (lecco 50km) or south (po river, more km but i'm sure how many)
- south.south west and west: you can start from center and follow one of the 2 navigli and then get the ticino river after 30km

if you want to take a train:
- mottarone: north west from milano, you can get a train from garibaldi station to stresa-verbania (maggiore lake)
- come lake: if you take a train to canzo-asso, lecco, como, anyway to north, wherever you go you can find something to ride on.
- going south is a little longer by train (1hr or more)

otherwise, in milano there's the (un)famous monte stella (as previously said, la montagnetta), next to san siro stadium, a very little hill you can go back and forth...

about the bike, if you're staying here for one year only, decathlon could be a better deal than others...

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