Per la nuova photogallery del forum si deve tradurre questo testo in italiano. Chi partecipa alla traduzione con contributi importanti riceverà a casa gli adesivi del forum
$Globals['pp_lang']['0'] = "0";
$Globals['pp_lang']['1'] = "1";
$Globals['pp_lang']['2'] = "2";
$Globals['pp_lang']['3'] = "3";
$Globals['pp_lang']['4'] = "4";
$Globals['pp_lang']['5'] = "5";
$Globals['pp_lang']['6'] = "6";
$Globals['pp_lang']['7'] = "7";
$Globals['pp_lang']['8'] = "8";
$Globals['pp_lang']['9'] = "9";
$Globals['pp_lang']['10'] = "10";
$Globals['pp_lang']['a'] = "a";
$Globals['pp_lang']['aboutme'] = "About Me";
$Globals['pp_lang']['actions'] = "ACTIONS";
$Globals['pp_lang']['add'] = "Add photo?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addaalbum'] = "PhotoPost Add an album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addalbum'] = "Create a New Album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addbuddy'] = "Add this user to your buddy list";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addcats'] = "Additional Categories";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addcomment'] = "Add a Comment";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addcomments'] = "Add your comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['added'] = "The image has been added to your Favorites album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addfav'] = "Add to Favorites";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addinfo'] = "Additional Info";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addselect'] = "Add Photos - Select Photos / Configure Properties";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addsubcat'] = "Add Subcat";
$Globals['pp_lang']['adduser'] = "Add User Album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['addyour'] = "Add your comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['admin'] = "Admin";
$Globals['pp_lang']['admindefault'] = "Use Site Default";
$Globals['pp_lang']['adminopt'] = "ADMIN OPTIONS FOR BULK OR ZIP UPLOADS";
$Globals['pp_lang']['adminopts'] = "Admin Options";
$Globals['pp_lang']['adminreq'] = "You must be an Administrator to do this!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['afriend'] = "A friend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['agree'] = "Agree";
$Globals['pp_lang']['aim'] = "AIM";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albeditor'] = "PhotoPost Album Editor";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albidx'] = "Personal Albums Index";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albnoperm'] = "Sorry, you don't have permission to create albums.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albposition'] = "Album Position";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albthumbnail'] = "Thumbnail for Album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['album'] = "Album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albumadmin'] = "My Albums";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albumcol'] = "ALBUMS";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albumdesc'] = "Album Description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albumname'] = "Album Name";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albums'] = "ALBUMS";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albumtheme'] = "Theme for album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['albumframe'] = "Custom frames for album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['all'] = "all";
$Globals['pp_lang']['allalbums'] = "All albums";
$Globals['pp_lang']['allcats'] = "All Categories";
$Globals['pp_lang']['allimages'] = "all";
$Globals['pp_lang']['allowprint'] = "Do you want to allow people to order prints of your photo?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['allowzip'] = "Allow ZIP downloads?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['alter'] = "If you don't know the recipient's email address, enter their member name instead:<br /><br />Member Name";
$Globals['pp_lang']['and'] = "and";
$Globals['pp_lang']['approve'] = "Approve Photo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['approved'] = "Image approved";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ascend'] = "Ascending";
$Globals['pp_lang']['assign'] = "Assign as a subcategory?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['audio'] = "This is an audio file, click on the thumbnail to download";
$Globals['pp_lang']['author'] = "Author";
$Globals['pp_lang']['awaiting'] = "Awaiting approval";
$Globals['pp_lang']['b'] = "b";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badcall'] = "Script not called correctly.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badcat'] = "The category you chose for this photo can't contain photos.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badfavcall'] = "Script not called correctly. Navigate to a specific photo, then click on the Add to Favorites link.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badmove'] = "You cannot move an image to that category, please try again.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['badname'] = "Sorry, member name not recognized.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['baduploads'] = "There were {$overlimit} files which exceeded limits which do not appear in this list:<br />{$overfiles}.<br />Either remove files to make more room or reduce the size of the files you are uploading and then try again.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bbcode'] = "BB Code legend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bday'] = "Birthday";
$Globals['pp_lang']['beforeany'] = "before anyone under the age of 13 can complete the registration.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['beginning'] = "Beginning";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bio'] = "Biography";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blank'] = "Your message was blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blankpass'] = "The old password is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['blankpass2'] = "The new password is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bulkuploads'] = "Bulk Uploads";
$Globals['pp_lang']['button'] = "Delete These Cookies";
$Globals['pp_lang']['by'] = "by";
$Globals['pp_lang']['bytes'] = "bytes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['c'] = "c";
$Globals['pp_lang']['calendar'] = "Create Calendar";
$Globals['pp_lang']['calintro1'] = "To order your own personalized calendar, simply add photos to your Favorites so that they appear in this view. Then select 13 images to use by checking the box below an image. When you are done with your selections, press SUBMIT.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['calintro2'] = "Select 13 images from your Favorites to be printed on your own custom calendar and then press SUBMIT!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['callimages'] = "All Images";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cancel'] = "Cancel";
$Globals['pp_lang']['canprint'] = "This image can be printed!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cardsent'] = "Your card has been sent!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['careful'] = "(CAREFUL - once it's gone it's gone)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['catchange'] = "Change category? (leave blank to leave alone)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['category'] = "Category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['catsearch'] = "Select categories";
$Globals['pp_lang']['changeform'] = "Password Change Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['changepass'] = "Change Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['check'] = "Only check this box if you want to completely delete this post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['checke'] = "Please check your email for instructions.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['chgowner'] = "Change Owner?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['chgthumb'] = "Select new image or leave blank to use current one";
$Globals['pp_lang']['chooseage'] = "Please choose your age:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['choosecat'] = "Choose a category to upload your images to.<br />Pick a category that relates most to your image(s).";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clast14'] = "Posts Past 14 Days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clast7'] = "Posts Past 7 Days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clastday'] = "Posts Past Day";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clearcook'] = "Delete My Cookies";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clearvote'] = "Clear My Vote";
$Globals['pp_lang']['click'] = "click here";
$Globals['pp_lang']['clickhere'] = "Click here if you do not want to wait any longer<br />(or if your browser does not automatically forward you)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['closed'] = "We're sorry, but our Photo Boards are currently down for maintainence. Please try again later.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['comments'] = "Comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['complete'] = "Processing complete!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['condall'] = "Contains all words";
$Globals['pp_lang']['condor'] = "Contains at least one word";
$Globals['pp_lang']['confirmblank'] = "The confirm new password field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['confirmpass'] = "Confirm New Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookinfo'] = "Current Site Cookie Information";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookmsg'] = "Deleting your site cookies can help resolve login or logout problems. After Deleting your cookies, please relogin to see if this solves any problems.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookname'] = "Cookie Name";
$Globals['pp_lang']['cookvalue'] = "Cookie Value";
$Globals['pp_lang']['coppainfo'] = "COPPA Information";
$Globals['pp_lang']['copyimage'] = "Copy image to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['copyright'] = "Copyright Infringement";
$Globals['pp_lang']['copyto'] = "copy to clipboard";
$Globals['pp_lang']['createcal'] = "Print Calendar";
$Globals['pp_lang']['curpassword'] = "Current Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['custom'] = "Custom View";
$Globals['pp_lang']['d'] = "d";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dailyuplimit'] = " exceeds your limit of daily uploads";
$Globals['pp_lang']['date'] = "Date";
$Globals['pp_lang']['daterange'] = "Specify a date range";
$Globals['pp_lang']['datereg'] = "Date Registered";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day'] = "Day";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day1'] = "Sun";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day2'] = "Mon";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day3'] = "Tue";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day4'] = "Wed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day5'] = "Thu";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day6'] = "Fri";
$Globals['pp_lang']['day7'] = "Sat";
$Globals['pp_lang']['days'] = "day(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['defsort'] = "Default Sort Order";
$Globals['pp_lang']['delay'] = "Time delay for photos?<br />(slower connections will want longer timeouts)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['delete'] = "Delete";
$Globals['pp_lang']['delete1'] = "You're about to delete the album called";
$Globals['pp_lang']['delete2'] = "and <b>ALL PHOTOS AND COMMENTS</b> within the album.<p>";
$Globals['pp_lang']['delete3'] = "Are you sure you want to do that?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deleteall'] = "Delete All User Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deletechk'] = "If you want to <b>delete</b> this image completely, check this box";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deleted'] = "You have successfully deleted your image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deletephoto'] = "Delete Photo?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deletepost'] = "Delete post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['deleteuser'] = "Delete User Album ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['delfav'] = "Remove from Favorites";
$Globals['pp_lang']['desc'] = "Description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['descend'] = "Descending";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dimensions'] = "Dimensions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dims'] = "Dimensions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['disable'] = "Disable Email Updates";
$Globals['pp_lang']['disabled'] = "Option disabled by admin.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['diskallowed'] = "Disk space allowed on your account";
$Globals['pp_lang']['diskremain'] = "Disk space remaining for your account";
$Globals['pp_lang']['diskspace'] = "Disk Space";
$Globals['pp_lang']['diskuse'] = "Disk space used";
$Globals['pp_lang']['diskused'] = "Disk space used on your account";
$Globals['pp_lang']['disvoting'] = "Disable Voting";
$Globals['pp_lang']['donotdelete'] = "Do not delete photos from source directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['downfav'] = "Download Favorites as ZIP";
$Globals['pp_lang']['downurl'] = "Retrieve all images from a URL";
$Globals['pp_lang']['dupe'] = "You have a duplicate post, so it was not added.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['duperating'] = "You can only rate a photo once.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['e'] = "e";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ecard'] = "eCard";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ecdisabled'] = "e-Cards are disabled";
$Globals['pp_lang']['eclayout'] = "Pick the eCard layout";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ecpreview'] = "Check here to preview before sending";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ecsend'] = "Send the e-Card";
$Globals['pp_lang']['edit'] = "Edit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editalbum'] = "Edit User Album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editdel'] = "Edit/Delete Message";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editdesc'] = "Edit Photo Description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editkey'] = "Edit keywords";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editmy'] = "edit my profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editor'] = "Image Editor";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editphoto'] = "Edit Photo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['editprofile'] = "Edit Profile for";
$Globals['pp_lang']['edittitle'] = "Edit title for the photo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['eightsec'] = "8 seconds";
$Globals['pp_lang']['email'] = "Email";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailagain'] = "Enter Email Again";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailat'] = "The email address you entered is not valid. It must contain an \"@\" symbol.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailbad'] = "You did not enter a valid email address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailblank'] = "The email field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailconf'] = "Email Confirmation";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailexists'] = "The email address you entered already exists in our database.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailfriend'] = "EMail Gallery Link To Friend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailperiod'] = "The email address you entered is not valid. It must contain a period.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['empty'] = "Empty";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enable'] = "Receive Email Updates";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enabled'] = "Email notification enabled.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enablevote'] = "Enable Voting";
$Globals['pp_lang']['endvoting'] = "End Voting";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enter'] = "Enter!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enterup'] = "Please enter your username and password.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['entkeywords'] = "To help users find your photo, please enter a few (up to 10) descriptive keywords (separated by spaces)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erotate'] = "Error rotating image!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erotatemed'] = "Error rotating medium image!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erroradd'] = "We experienced a problem adding your account. Please contact the System Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorcode'] = "Error code";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorcopy'] = "Copy of the file failed. Operation cancelled.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errordir'] = "Error creating directory (check permissions).<br /><br />Please notify the System Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errormed'] = "Error creating resized medium image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errornoname'] = "You need to enter the name of a file to upload!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errororig'] = "Error creating resized original.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorperm'] = "You do not have permission for this action!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorprocess'] = "There was a problem processing your image<p>Please notify the System Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorscript'] = "Script call malformed. Notify your Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorthumb'] = "Error creating thumbnail.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errortype'] = "Image must be a .jpg, .gif, .tif or .png file.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorup'] = "File upload error. Cannot find uploaded file.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['erroruser'] = "The username you chose is not valid. Usernames may not contain anything but numbers and letters.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['errorwater'] = "Error creating watermarked original.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['every1'] = "You can only rate a photo once every {$Globals['ipcache']} hour(s).";
$Globals['pp_lang']['exceed'] = "Your file exceeded our limit of {$uploadsize}kb. Please go back and try again.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['excellent'] = "Excellent";
$Globals['pp_lang']['execute'] = "Execute Search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['exfiles'] = "exceeds filesize limit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['exif'] = "EXIF Information";
$Globals['pp_lang']['extraopts'] = "Extra Options";
$Globals['pp_lang']['exspace'] = "exceeds your space limitation";
$Globals['pp_lang']['extracats'] = "Extra Categories";
$Globals['pp_lang']['f'] = "f";
$Globals['pp_lang']['fair'] = "Fair";
$Globals['pp_lang']['favorites'] = "Favorites";
$Globals['pp_lang']['favremove'] = "remove";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filelimit'] = "file size limit.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filename'] = "Filename";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filenotice'] = "Files should already be in";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filesize'] = "Filesize";
$Globals['pp_lang']['filelimits'] = "User File Limits";
$Globals['pp_lang']['find'] = "Find more posts by this user";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flip'] = "Flip Vertical";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flipped'] = "Image has been flipped!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flop'] = "Flop Horizontal";
$Globals['pp_lang']['flopped'] = "Image has been flopped!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forfurther'] = "For further information contact";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forgot'] = "Forgot Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forinfo'] = "For information about how this site uses personal information, please read the";
$Globals['pp_lang']['formore'] = "For more information about the registration process, or this website in general, please send email to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forumpass'] = "This forum requires a password for access!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forumrules'] = "Forums Rules";
$Globals['pp_lang']['forward'] = "Now forwarding you to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['fourchars'] = "Your password must be at least 4 characters long.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['foursec'] = "4 seconds";
$Globals['pp_lang']['g'] = "g";
$Globals['pp_lang']['gallery'] = "Gallery";
$Globals['pp_lang']['gallsub'] = "Gallery Subscriptions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['genpass'] = "generate new password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['good'] = "Good";
$Globals['pp_lang']['great'] = "Great";
$Globals['pp_lang']['groupby'] = "Group By Member";
$Globals['pp_lang']['h'] = "h";
$Globals['pp_lang']['hello'] = "Hello";
$Globals['pp_lang']['help'] = "help";
$Globals['pp_lang']['hide'] = "Hide Image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['hidden'] = "Image has been hidden.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['home'] = "Home";
$Globals['pp_lang']['homepage'] = "Homepage";
$Globals['pp_lang']['i'] = "i";
$Globals['pp_lang']['icq'] = "ICQ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['image'] = "Image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['imagecnt'] = "Images {start} to {finish} of {cntresults}";
$Globals['pp_lang']['images'] = "images";
$Globals['pp_lang']['imageupload'] = "Image Upload";
$Globals['pp_lang']['imsure'] = "I'm sure, delete the album.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['inapprop'] = "Inappropriate material";
$Globals['pp_lang']['info'] = "INFO / CATEGORY";
$Globals['pp_lang']['instruct'] = "Fill in the fields below to execute a search.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['interests'] = "Interests";
$Globals['pp_lang']['intonly'] = "This script is only used for PhotoPost's internal registration system.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['invalid'] = "Invalid call to script.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['invalidid'] = "Invalid album ID";
$Globals['pp_lang']['isprivate'] = "Is Album Private";
$Globals['pp_lang']['j'] = "j";
$Globals['pp_lang']['k'] = "k";
$Globals['pp_lang']['kb'] = "kb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['keywords'] = "Keywords";
$Globals['pp_lang']['l'] = "l";
$Globals['pp_lang']['larger'] = "View Larger Image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastyear'] = "Last Year";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last6m'] = "Last 6 Months";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last2m'] = "Last 2 Months";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last45d'] = "Last 45 Days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last1m'] = "Last Month";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last2w'] = "Last 2 Weeks";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last1w'] = "Last Week";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last3d'] = "Last 3 days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last1d'] = "Last Day";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last14'] = "14 days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last14days'] = "Last 14 Days Post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last7'] = "7 days";
$Globals['pp_lang']['last7days'] = "Last 7 Days Post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastcomment'] = "Last Comment";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastcommentpo'] = "Last Comment Posted";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastday'] = "1 day";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastdays'] = "Last Days Post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastphoto'] = "Last Photo Upload";
$Globals['pp_lang']['lastphotoup'] = "Last Photo Uploaded";
$Globals['pp_lang']['layleft'] = "Message displayed under image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['layout'] = "Choose how you want the card to display";
$Globals['pp_lang']['layright'] = "Message displayed to the right of image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['leaveblank'] = "(leave blank to use the site default)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['linksent'] = "Your link suggestion has been sent!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['littlecom'] = "comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['littlephotos'] = "photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['location'] = "Location";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loggedin'] = "You're already registered and logged in!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['login'] = "Login";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loginbad'] = "Invalid login. Please check your username and password, or";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loginbad2'] = "register";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loginok'] = "Login Successful!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['loginprob'] = "Login Problems?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['logout'] = "Logout";
$Globals['pp_lang']['logoutok'] = "Logging out! Please wait.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['m'] = "m";
$Globals['pp_lang']['makeindex'] = "Make Index Thumb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['makethumb'] = "Make Album Cover";
$Globals['pp_lang']['malform'] = "Malformed call to addfav.php";
$Globals['pp_lang']['malformed'] = "Malformed parameter passed!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['manage'] = "Manage Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['megabytes'] = "mb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['member'] = "Member";
$Globals['pp_lang']['memberpassadmin'] = "Member Password Admin";
$Globals['pp_lang']['memprofile'] = "Member Profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moblogin'] = "You are not currently logged in.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mobreg'] = "You are not currently setup to upload photos via your cell phone.<br /><br />Please <a href=\"javascript:PopUpHelp('regmobile.php')\">register</a> your phone!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mobnumber'] = "Your cell phone email is";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mobmodify'] = "click to modify";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mobsend'] = "Set your phone to send images to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moderate'] = " Images uploaded require Admin approval and may not be immediately available for viewing.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moderators'] = "Moderators";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mogrify'] = "Unsupported call to modify image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month'] = "Month";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month1'] = "January";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month10'] = "October";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month11'] = "November";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month12'] = "December";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month2'] = "February";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month3'] = "March";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month4'] = "April";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month5'] = "May";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month6'] = "June";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month7'] = "July";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month8'] = "August";
$Globals['pp_lang']['month9'] = "September";
$Globals['pp_lang']['months'] = "month(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['more'] = "more";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moreinfo'] = "More information (if needed)?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['move'] = "Move photo to";
$Globals['pp_lang']['moved'] = "Moved image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['multifile'] = "You can upload more than one image at a time, however you must upload videos one at a time.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['multizips'] = "You can upload more than one image at a time, however you must upload ZIP files and VIDEOS one at a time.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['myfavorites'] = "My Favorites";
$Globals['pp_lang']['mygallery'] = "My Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['n'] = "n";
$Globals['pp_lang']['na'] = "n/a";
$Globals['pp_lang']['name'] = "Name";
$Globals['pp_lang']['never'] = "Never";
$Globals['pp_lang']['newalbum'] = "New Album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['newest'] = "Date (newest first)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['newpass'] = "New Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['newphotos'] = "New Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['next'] = "Next image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nextpage'] = "Next Page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['no'] = "no";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noaction'] = "You do not have permission for this action!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noaddr'] = "That address was not found in our records.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noalbphotos'] = "This album contains no photos.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noalbthumbs'] = "The album you selected has no thumbnails.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noalbums'] = "No albums.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocatcomments'] = "no comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocatimg'] = "This category does not contain any images.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocatphotos'] = "no photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocom'] = "User comments not allowed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocomments'] = "No comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nocookies'] = "You have no stored cookies for this site.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nodir'] = "Cannot find the directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noedit'] = "You do not have permission to edit this comment.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noeditperm'] = "You don't have permission to edit this profile.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noemail'] = "You didn't enter a recipient email. Please go back and enter either a recipient email or a member name.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noemailmatch'] = "The email field must match the email confirmation field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noemailmatch'] = "The email field must match the email confirmation field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nofile'] = "Uploaded file not found<br />Typical reason is that the file exceeded allowed limits.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nofill'] = "You did not fill in the comments or rating field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nofind'] = "Unable to find this user. Please check spelling.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nogen'] = "You have uploaded a multimedia file for which we cannot generate a thumbnail. Please upload your choice of a thumbnail image, or we will use our default image which indicates the link is to a video file.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nolimit'] = "No file size limit.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nologin'] = "Must be logged in to sort photos.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nologinsort'] = "Must be logged in to sort personal albums.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nomatch'] = "No match. Check the URL and try again.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nomore'] = "No more images found.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['none'] = "None";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noneed'] = "No need to move image to same category!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonew'] = "New user registrations not allowed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonotify'] = "No notifications";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nonum'] = "User number not found in our database.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopa'] = "Sorry, Personal Albums are not enabled.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopassmatch'] = "The new password field does not match the confirmation password field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noperm'] = "You do not have permission for this operation.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopermcat'] = "You do not have permission to view the images in this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nophoto'] = "Photo not found in the database!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nophotos'] = "No photos found. If you searched, try fewer or less specific keywords.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopic'] = "No pic to delete.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopost'] = "You don't have permission to post comments for images in this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nopostedit'] = "Sorry, you don't have permission to post/edit.<p>If you tried to edit, you might not be the post's author or editing may<br /> be disabled for your usergroup.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noprint'] = "You cannot print that photo.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noreg'] = "You must be registered to use this feature.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noregview'] = "You must be a registered user to view images!<p><b>To register click on the REGISTER button in the menu above.</b>";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nosort'] = "Cannot sort category images.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nosub'] = "No subscriptions";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notabverify'] = "Sorry, but we are unable to verify this account.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notfound'] = "This user does not exist.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nothumbs'] = "You selected a category which does not contain thumbnails.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notify'] = "Want to be notified by email when users post replies?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notifydis'] = "Email notification disabled.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notrefresh'] = "if page does not refresh.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['notype'] = "The file you uploaded was not an acceptable format.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noupload'] = "Sorry, you don't have permission to upload photos.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nourlmatch'] = "No match. Check the URL and try again.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['nousers'] = "No users found. If you searched, check your spelling.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noverify'] = "Sorry, but you have not verified your account yet.<p />You must do so before being able to upload.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['novermatch'] = "The email field does not match the email verification field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noview'] = "You do not have permission to view this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['noviewperm'] = "You do not have permission to view this image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numcoms'] = "Number of comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numphotos'] = "Number of photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numthumbs'] = "Number of thumbnails to process next?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['numviews'] = "Number of times photos viewed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['o'] = "o";
$Globals['pp_lang']['occupation'] = "Occupation";
$Globals['pp_lang']['offline'] = "This user is offline";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldpass'] = "Old Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['oldwrong'] = "Your old password is not correct.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['online'] = "This user is online";
$Globals['pp_lang']['optcat'] = "Optional category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['optional'] = "Optional Info";
$Globals['pp_lang']['order'] = "Order";
$Globals['pp_lang']['orderprint'] = "Order Print";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ordertitle'] = "PhotoPost Album Photo Order";
$Globals['pp_lang']['other'] = "Other";
$Globals['pp_lang']['over13'] = "Over 13 years of age";
$Globals['pp_lang']['overmax1'] = "You are allowed a maximum of {$disk_k} bytes of diskspace. If you would like to upload more images, please delete some of your older images and/or optimize your images using lower quality jpg settings before uploading.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['p'] = "p";
$Globals['pp_lang']['page'] = "Page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parenter1'] = "You tried to parent a forum to one of its children.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parenter2'] = "You tried to parent a forum to itself.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parentprint'] = "Please have a parent/guardian print out this page, fill in the blanks below, and mail this permissions form to us at the following address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['parentreq'] = "A parent or guardian must mail or fax a signed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passagain'] = "Enter Password Again";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passblank'] = "The password is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passchanged'] = "Password changed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passnomatch'] = "The password does not match the password verification field.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passreq'] = "Password Required";
$Globals['pp_lang']['passverblank'] = "The password verification field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['password'] = "Password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['permform'] = "Permission Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['permformlower'] = "permission form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['perpage'] = "Per Page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['persalbum'] = "Personal Album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['persalbums'] = "Personal Albums";
$Globals['pp_lang']['picked'] = "You picked this image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prev'] = "Previous image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photoadd'] = "PhotoPost Add Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photoadmin'] = "PhotoPost Photo Administration";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photocart'] = "Photo Cart";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photocol'] = "PHOTOS";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photodesc'] = "Enter a description for the photo(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photodetail'] = "Photo Details";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photoname'] = "Select the photos you wish to upload from your computer";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photonot'] = "Photo Notifications";
$Globals['pp_lang']['photos'] = "Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['phototitle'] = "Enter a default title for the photo(s) you are uploading. If you are uploading more than one photo, you will be able to change this on the next page for each photo.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pickback'] = "Pick the Background color";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pickbord'] = "Pick the Border color";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pickfont'] = "Pick the Font Color";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pickstyle'] = "Pick the Font Style";
$Globals['pp_lang']['please'] = "Please contact the System Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['pleasepass'] = "Please enter password:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['plznote'] = "Please Note: Until we receive a signed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['plznote2'] = "from your parent or guardian you will be unable to upload photos or post comments.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['poor'] = "Poor";
$Globals['pp_lang']['popular'] = "Most Popular Images";
$Globals['pp_lang']['position'] = "Position";
$Globals['pp_lang']['post'] = "Post a Comment";
$Globals['pp_lang']['posted'] = "Posted Date";
$Globals['pp_lang']['posteditsuccess'] = "Your post or edit was successful.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['poster'] = "Poster";
$Globals['pp_lang']['postnotice'] = "The post you reported has generated a notice to the webmaster.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['postreply'] = "Post a Reply";
$Globals['pp_lang']['posts'] = "Posts";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prepare'] = "Preparing to process image list!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preppro'] = "Preparing to process next";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preset'] = "Your password has been reset and emailed to you.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['preview'] = "show thumbnails in comment search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['printable'] = "printable";
$Globals['pp_lang']['printview'] = "Print View";
$Globals['pp_lang']['privacy'] = "Privacy Statement";
$Globals['pp_lang']['private'] = "private album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['prlink'] = "Private link to access album";
$Globals['pp_lang']['proc'] = "Process";
$Globals['pp_lang']['process'] = "Preparing to process image list!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processall'] = "Click here to bypass approval process and upload all files in directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processfile'] = "Processing...";
$Globals['pp_lang']['processing'] = "Processing image list";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profile'] = "Profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profilefor'] = "Profile for";
$Globals['pp_lang']['profileupdated'] = "Profile updated.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['q'] = "q";
$Globals['pp_lang']['quickjump'] = "Quick Jump";
$Globals['pp_lang']['quickrate'] = "Quick Rate";
$Globals['pp_lang']['r'] = "r";
$Globals['pp_lang']['random'] = "Random Images";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rated'] = "You rated this photo a ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ratethis'] = "Rate this photo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rating'] = "Rating";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rebuild'] = "Rebuild Thumbnail";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recent'] = "Recent Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recentcom'] = "Recent Comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['recentposts'] = "Recent Posts";
$Globals['pp_lang']['regfor'] = "Register for ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['register'] = "Register";
$Globals['pp_lang']['registered'] = "Registered";
$Globals['pp_lang']['regusers'] = "Users";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removecart'] = "remove from cart";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removed'] = "The image has been removed from your Favorites album!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removealbum'] = "Remove Album Thumb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['removeindex'] = "Remove Index Thumb";
$Globals['pp_lang']['repinfo'] = "Recipient Info";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportphoto'] = "Report Photo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reporticon'] = "Report Post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportreason'] = "Reason for reporting?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reqinfo'] = "Required Info";
$Globals['pp_lang']['resetform'] = "Reset Password Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['resetcounts'] = "Reset Vote Counts";
$Globals['pp_lang']['results'] = "result(s) to your search.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['retfront'] = "Return to the front page of";
$Globals['pp_lang']['retgallery'] = "RETURN TO GALLERY";
$Globals['pp_lang']['retmainmenu'] = "Click here to return to gallery.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['return'] = "Check here to receive a notice when eCard is read";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotateccw'] = "Rotate CCW";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotatecw'] = "Rotate CW";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotatedccw'] = "Image has been rotated counter-clockwise!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rotatedcw'] = "Image has been rotated clockwise!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['rulespol'] = "Rules & Policies";
$Globals['pp_lang']['s'] = "s";
$Globals['pp_lang']['s_instruct'] = "You can search one category, all or select multiple categories from the list below.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['save'] = "SAVE";
$Globals['pp_lang']['savechanges'] = "Save Changes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['search'] = "Search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchg'] = "Search Galleries";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searching'] = "Performing Search";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchres'] = "Search Results";
$Globals['pp_lang']['searchuser'] = "Search by Username";
$Globals['pp_lang']['secreq'] = "(The info in this section is required. Please note that passwords are case sensitive.)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seeall'] = "see this users gallery";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seebday'] = "If you select your birthday then other forum members will be able to see your birthday in your profile.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['seeprofile'] = "Click here to see this users profile";
$Globals['pp_lang']['send'] = "Send photo as e-Card";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sendecard'] = "Send as e-Card";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sender'] = "Sender's Information";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sendpm'] = "Click here to Send this user a Private Message";
$Globals['pp_lang']['setposition'] = "Set Position to 0 to allow user selected sort order.<br />Positions other than 0 override any selected sort order (including on this page).";
$Globals['pp_lang']['show'] = "Show thumbnails?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['showthumbs'] = "Show thumbnails during processing?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['skipupl'] = "Skip upload and process the files already in your upload directory";
$Globals['pp_lang']['skipwater'] = "Do not watermark images";
$Globals['pp_lang']['slideshow'] = "Slide Show";
$Globals['pp_lang']['smaller'] = "Click on image to view smaller image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['smilies'] = "Smilies legend";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sort'] = "Sort Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sortby'] = "Sort by";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sortcomp'] = "Processing completed! Returning to sort page.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sorting'] = "PhotoPost Album Photo Sorting Interface";
$Globals['pp_lang']['sortnow'] = "Sort Now";
$Globals['pp_lang']['space'] = "Space used";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stars'] = "stars";
$Globals['pp_lang']['startslide'] = "Start Slideshow";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stats'] = "Statistics";
$Globals['pp_lang']['status'] = "Status";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stick'] = "Make Sticky";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stuck'] = "This image has been stuck";
$Globals['pp_lang']['stop'] = "Stop the slideshow";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subdesc'] = "When you hit SUBMIT, the file you selected will be uploaded.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['suberror'] = "Subscriptions not allowed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subject'] = "Subject";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subjgreet'] = "e-Card Subject/Greeting";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submit'] = "Submit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitchg'] = "Submit changes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitedit'] = "Submit Edit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitphotos'] = "SUBMIT PHOTOS";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitpost'] = "Submit Post";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submitreg'] = "Submit Registration Form";
$Globals['pp_lang']['submsg'] = "You have been subscribed to this category. You will receive email notifications for any uploads.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subscribe'] = "Subscribe to Gallery";
$Globals['pp_lang']['success'] = "You successfully edited your photo.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['t'] = "t";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tablehead'] = "Main Index";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tagged'] = "You have tagged this image as the thumbnail for the Index page";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tensec'] = "10 seconds";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thanks'] = "Thanks for confirming your account. It is now active!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thanksreg'] = "Thanks for registering. Please check your email for instructions on activating your new account.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thread'] = "Thread";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumb'] = "Current Thumbnail";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbdone'] = "Thumbnail has been rebuilt!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbnail'] = "Thumbnail";
$Globals['pp_lang']['thumbs'] = "Number of thumbnails to process next?";
$Globals['pp_lang']['timeframe'] = "Timeframe";
$Globals['pp_lang']['timezone'] = "Time Zone offset<br />Current adjusted time:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['title'] = "Title";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toadmin'] = "to the administrator of";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tool'] = "Reporting Tool";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tootall'] = "Your graphic is too tall! Please upload a smaller one.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toowide'] = "Your graphic is too wide! Please upload a smaller one.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['topcat'] = "The category you chose is a top level category.<p>Please go back and choose one of its subcategories to upload your image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toposter'] = "Top Posters";
$Globals['pp_lang']['toprated'] = "Highest Rated";
$Globals['pp_lang']['tosee'] = "Click here to see all of";
$Globals['pp_lang']['twosec'] = "2 seconds";
$Globals['pp_lang']['u'] = "u";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ubbcode'] = "UBBCode";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unable'] = "Unable to create image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['under13'] = "Under 13 years of age";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unhide'] = "Unhide Image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unhidden'] = "Image has been unhidden.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unknownfile'] = "ERROR! Unknown file type";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unlimit'] = "Unlimited";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unreg'] = "Unregistered";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unregrated'] = "You already rated this photo.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unruser'] = "unregistered user";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unrusers'] = "unregistered users";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unstick'] = "Unstick";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unstuck'] = "This image has been unstuck";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubgallery'] = "Unsubscribe to Gallery";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubmsg'] = "You have been unsubscribed from this category. You will not receive any further email notifications.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['unsubscribe'] = "UNSUBSCRIBE";
$Globals['pp_lang']['untagged'] = "You have untagged this image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uplimit'] = "You have exceeded your upload limit of %pics% images per day.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userlimit'] = "Upload Limit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upalbum'] = "or if you would prefer to upload to one of your albums, select one here";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uplimit2'] = " %pictures% images per day.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upload'] = "Upload Photos";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uploadphoto'] = "Upload Photo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['uploadsubmit'] = "Upload/Submit";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upnot'] = "User uploads not allowed";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upsuccess'] = "Your image was uploaded successfully!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['upuser'] = "Upload photos as user";
$Globals['pp_lang']['ureset'] = "User's password was reset and emailed.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['user'] = "User";
$Globals['pp_lang']['usernotfound'] = "user not found";
$Globals['pp_lang']['user2char'] = "Your username must be at least 2 characters long.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['useralbums'] = "User Albums";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userassigned'] = "User Assigned Albums";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userblank'] = "The username is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['usercp'] = "Photo Notifications";
$Globals['pp_lang']['userexists'] = "The username you chose already exists in our database. Please choose another.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['username'] = "Your Username";
$Globals['pp_lang']['v'] = "v";
$Globals['pp_lang']['validemail'] = "Please enter a valid email address. It will not be visible to the public.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['verblank'] = "The email verification field is blank.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['video'] = "This is a video, click on the thumbnail to download";
$Globals['pp_lang']['videoprob'] = "There was a problem processing your video. Please notify the System Administrator.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['videoupload'] = "Video Upload";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vidreg'] = "You must be a registered user to upload a video file!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['view'] = "View your e-Card";
$Globals['pp_lang']['viewing'] = "viewing";
$Globals['pp_lang']['viewlarger'] = "Click on image to view larger image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['views'] = "Views";
$Globals['pp_lang']['viewtype'] = "View";
$Globals['pp_lang']['viewsmaller'] = "View Smaller Image";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visible'] = "The info below will be visible to all website visitors.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visitgallery'] = "Visit this user's gallery";
$Globals['pp_lang']['visithome'] = "Visit the user's homepage";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vlastcom'] = "View last comment posted";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vlastposted'] = "View last photo posted";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vcleared'] = "Any vote has been cleared.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['voteown'] = "You cannot vote for your own image.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vnotcat'] = "This is not a voting category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vnotyet'] = "This category is not yet accepting votes.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['voted'] = "You have already voted in this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vote'] = "vote";
$Globals['pp_lang']['votes'] = "votes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['voteended'] = "Voting has ended.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['vthankyou'] = "Thank you for placing your vote.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['votestart'] = "Voting has started.<br />You can only vote for one image in this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['votenotstart'] = "Voting has not yet started. Submit your entries and check back later to submit your vote.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['w'] = "w";
$Globals['pp_lang']['warning'] = "(Depending on the size of the file and your connection, this may take some time. <b>Please be patient.</b>)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['webnotice'] = "The photo you reported has generated a notice to the webmaster.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['week'] = "week(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['welcome'] = "Welcome to the ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['welcomeuser'] = "Welcome,";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys1'] = "search title only";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys2'] = "search title and description";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys3'] = "search all fields";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whichkeys4'] = "search comments";
$Globals['pp_lang']['whoonline'] = "Users browsing the gallery";
$Globals['pp_lang']['within'] = "Within the last ";
$Globals['pp_lang']['withtitles'] = "-with Titles";
$Globals['pp_lang']['wrongcat'] = "Image in wrong Category";
$Globals['pp_lang']['x'] = "x";
$Globals['pp_lang']['y'] = "y";
$Globals['pp_lang']['yahoo'] = "Yahoo";
$Globals['pp_lang']['year'] = "Year";
$Globals['pp_lang']['years'] = "year(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['yes'] = "yes";
$Globals['pp_lang']['younophotos'] = "You have no photos in this category.";
$Globals['pp_lang']['youraddr'] = "Your email address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['yourecard'] = "Your e-Card";
$Globals['pp_lang']['youremail'] = "Your Email Address";
$Globals['pp_lang']['yourmess'] = "Your e-card message";
$Globals['pp_lang']['yourname'] = "Your name";
$Globals['pp_lang']['z'] = "z";
$Globals['pp_lang']['zipreg'] = "You must be a registered user to upload a ZIP file!";
$Globals['pp_lang']['zips'] = "ZIP file uploads allowed (%mmsize%mb limit).";
$Globals['pp_lang']['imagetypes'] = "Allowable Image Types";
$Globals['pp_lang']['maxsize'] = "Maximum File Size";
// Registration forms
$Globals['pp_lang']['coppaform'] = "All users under the age of 13 must seek permission from their parent or guardian in order to gain membership to this site.
While we welcome participation from members under 13, we require that a parent or guardian fax or mail back a signed permission
form before we grant membership.<p>
You can begin the registration process even before we receive a permission form by pressing the Agree button. Or you
can cancel registration by pressing the Cancel button.<p>
You can download the permission form here:";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reginstruct'] = "Registration to this forum is free!
We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.
If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page.
Although the administrators and moderators of {$Globals['galleryname']} will attempt to keep all objectionable messages and images out
of our gallery, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the
owners of {$Globals['galleryname']} or All Enthusiast, Inc. (developers of PhotoPost) will be held responsible for the content of any
message or any image in our gallery.</span></p>
<p><span class=\"{$Style['medium']}\">By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any
messages or upload any images that are obscene,
vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.</span></p>
<p><span class=\"{$Style['medium']}\">The owners of {$Globals['galleryname']} have the right to remove, edit, or move
any image or post for any reason.</span></p>";
// register.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailreg'] = "Thanks for registering at {$Globals['webname']}.
In order to activate your account, which will enable you to upload photos and post comments (if
the site allows comments), you must click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailrsub'] = "Confirm {$Globals['webname']} Registration (action needed)";
// comments.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailreply'] = "{$User['username']} has posted a reply about the following photo:
If you no longer wish to be notified of replies about the above photo, you can disable notification for it here:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['ereplysub'] = "New Reply to {$gettitle} at {$Globals['webname']}";
$Globals['pp_lang']['eadmreply'] = "{$User['username']} has posted a reply about the following photo:
\"{$gettitle}\" - {$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$photo}
$Globals['pp_lang']['eadmrsub'] = "New Reply to {$gettitle} at {$Globals['webname']}";
// pp-inc.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailapp'] = "{$usernm},
We wanted to let you know that your photo, titled \"{$phototitle}\", has
been approved and is now visible. Here is the link to the photo:
And if you would like to view your personal photo album, containing all
of the images that you have uploaded to {$Globals['webname']}, you can do so here:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailasub'] = "{$Globals['webname']} photo upload approved";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailmove'] = "{$usernm},
We felt that your photo, titled \"{$phototitle}\", was more appropriate
in a different category. To view it, and to find out where
we moved it (look in the upper left for the category name), visit
this link:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailmsub'] = "{$Globals['webname']} photo category change";
$Globals['pp_lang']['emaildel'] = "{$usernm},
I'm sorry, but the photo you submitted to {$Globals['webname']}, titled
\"{$phototitle}\", has been deleted. Some reasons for photo deletions include:
-Images that were partially uploaded/incomplete
-Broken images
-Extremely poor quality/images (impossible to make out the image itself)
-Images that did not conform to our published site contribution and usage guidelines such as offensive images
If you would like to submit another photo, please return to our photo upload form:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['emaildsub'] = "Regarding your {$Globals['webname']} photo upload";
// reportphoto.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportemail'] = "{$User['username']} has complained ($reason) about one of the photos in the database:\n\n";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportemail'] .= "{$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$report}\n\n";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportemail'] .= "with the following comments: \n\n{$desc}";
$Globals['pp_lang']['repsubject'] = "{$Globals['webname']} User Reported Photo Complaint";
// reportpost.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportpost'] = "{$User['username']} has complained ($reason) about one of the posts:\n\n";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportpost'] .= "{$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$photo}\n\n";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reportpost'] .= "with the following comments: \n\n{$desc}\n\nPosted Comment:\n\n$postcom\n\nPosted By: $postname";
$Globals['pp_lang']['reppostsub'] = "{$Globals['webname']} User Reported Post Complaint";
// showgallery.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['emailsug'] = "${rname} has suggested you look at a Photo Gallery on {$Globals['webname']}. The link to the gallery is:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['esugsub'] = "{$rname} suggests you view this Image Gallery";
// member.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['epassnew'] = "You just requested that your password be reset at {$Globals['webname']}.
We have issued a you a new password.
Your username is: {$dbuser}
Your new password is: {$newpass}
If you would like to change that password, you may do so here:
Or to edit your profle:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['epassrsub'] = "New temporary {$Globals['webname']} password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['epassres'] = "You just requested that your password be reset at {$Globals['webname']}.
In order to do so, you must click on the link below or copy it into your web browser:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['epasssub2'] = "How to reset your {$Globals['webname']} password";
$Globals['pp_lang']['enewemail'] = "You just changed your email address at {$Globals['webname']}.
We have issued a you a new temporary password in order to confirm your new email address.
Your New Temporary Password is: {$genpass}
If you would like to change that password, you may do so here:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['enewesub'] = "New temporary {$Globals['webname']} password";
// image-inc.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['euplimg'] = "{$User['username']} has uploaded one or more photos to your gallery.
If approval is required, visit the admin panel:
Image name: {$realname}
Title: {$title}
Size: {$imagesize}
Keywords: {$keywords}
Description: {$desc}
Link to image: {$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$lastphotoid}
$Globals['pp_lang']['euplsub'] = "{$Globals['webname']} photo upload(s)";
$Globals['pp_lang']['subnotify'] = "{$User['username']} has uploaded one or more photos to a category you subscribe to.
Image name: {$realname}
Title: {$title}
Description: {$desc}
Link to image: {$Globals['maindir']}/showphoto.php?photo={$lastphotoid}
To turn off subscriptions for this category, click on the following link:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['emsubscr'] = "{$Globals['webname']} photo upload notification";
// ecard.php
$Globals['pp_lang']['ecardsent'] = "{$rname},
{$yname} has sent you an e-Card from {$Globals['webname']}. You can view your card here:
And you can email {$yname} directly at {$yemail}.
$Globals['pp_lang']['ecardsub'] = "{$yname} sent you an e-Card";
$Globals['pp_lang']['returnrec'] = "{$fromname},
{$toname} has read the eCard you sent. You can view your card here:
The {$Globals['webname']} Team
$Globals['pp_lang']['returnsub'] = "{$toname} has read your eCard";