• Siete di quelli che, quando comincia a fare freddo, mettono la bici in garage e vanno in letargo, sdivanandosi fino alla primavera? Quest’anno avrete un motivo in più per tenervi in forma, e cioè la nostra prima Winter Cup, che prende il via il 15 novembre 2024 e si conclude il 15 marzo 2025.
    Iscriviti al canale se non l'hai ancora fatto (clicca qui).

Campionati del Mondo 24H a Canmore (CAN), settembre 2012


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conosco il posto e posso dire solo una cosa: stupendo!!!!
Unico problema se piove perchè c'è un fango che si muore, ma in settembre dovrebbe esserci abbastanza asciutto


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posto questo comunicato ricevuto

Friday August 10, 2012
Regrettably due to a number of contributing factors, it is with sincere sadness that I announce the cancellation of
the 2012 World 24 Hour MTB Championships scheduled to be held in Canmore Alberta Canada September 14
– 16, 2012.
Today is a hard day… it’s like the loss of a family member. I’m sad for all the racers (and families) who trained
hard and devoted resources to being in Canmore this September. I’m sad for those in the community of
Canmore that supported our desire to build a world-class event. I’m disappointed and sad beyond belief at the
cancellation today, which is a real blow for the whole endurance family.
That said, a number of situations this past month leaves us with no alternative but to cancel. This is not a
decision that was made lightly and I know that many of the current entrants will be upset with this decision
however, at this point, it would be irresponsible to continue with the event. It was determined (yesterday) that it
would not be economically and administratively feasible to keep the event on the calendar.
The priority has always been to ensure that the event lives up to the required standards of the participants,
which it cannot do without proper funding. Twenty4 Sports (T4S) who is contracted to operate the event is
disappointed as well.
Dating back to 1998 when it was decided that we (Trilife Sports International) would underwrite the creation of a
world championship (1999), this event was always dedicated to showcasing the best endurance athletes. It’s
been our vision to provide the endurance community with the ultimate test for both elite and age group mountain
bike athletes.
After announcing that Canmore, Alberta Canada would host the championships back in August of 2011, W24C
have worked hard based on a “not for profit” model to provide the best possible event for all athletes involved.
An Athletes Assistance Program was created, which had the top elite racers committed to the race. What looked
to be an epic battle on paper had the best international group of elite racers attending in the 13-year history. At
the end of the day while other areas (lack of sponsorship support) challenged our resources it was the recent
loss of overall participation numbers, over the past two weeks that finally made the decision inevitable
I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused people in their training plans and holiday commitments
and remain optimistic that we will find the support that our sport deserves in order to continue to highlight our
best to the world.
Refunds to all racers who had not cancelled or had outstanding balances will be completed within 72 hours.
Stuart Dorland – founder
W24C/WSC Committee

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