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adidas Bike 'n Soul a Saalbach, 17-19 giugno


Membro dello Staff
Monte Bar
KM Percorsi
adidas Bike 'n Soul in Saalbach Hinterglemm

For the second time in a row the adidas Bike 'n Soul will take place in Saalbach Hinterglemm, Austria between the 17th and 19th of June, 2005. This gigantic mountain bike event the international freeride scene is desperately waiting for, because its highlight is the second edition of the adidas Slopestyle, an invitational for freeride pros. With their inaugural event, adidas and Saalbach Hinterglemm set a new benchmark in Europe last year.

Europe’s first Slopestyle Contest even surpassed the organizers’ expectations. For four days, the Austrian mountain bike Eldorado was the Mecca of the international freeride scene. The spectacular Slopestyle course designed by Canadian freeride star Gareth Dyer (adidas Rotwild) contained up to ten meter high drops, wall rides and massive obstacles like an old cable car. It was extensively discussed by the media even prior to the event and towed the world’s best freeriders to Austria: Rampage winners, Ultimate Freeride Champions, Dirt Kings and MTB movie stars. Together with thirty freeride stars from nine countries around forty international journalists and several TV and film crews traveled to Saalbach Hinterglemm.

“I am so glad that there are finally people that pull off such an Event in Europe, because we are so far behind”, stated Cedric Gracia (Siemens Cannondale), who won the first Slopestyle. “We need big events like this to develop the sport in Europe. We have great riders here, as you can see, but until now they couldn’t compare themselves with the North Americans.” American Randy Spangler (Santa Cruz) on the other hand, with 37 years the oldest rider in the field, was excited to compete with so many different nations. “It is awesome to meet all the European guys. They have the same spirit. I met some great talents here in Saalbach Hinterglemm.”

adidas Slopestyle 2005

This year, the organizers want to top their inaugural event and make the adidas Slopestyle even bigger and more spectacular. “We will be very busy this spring”, says Bike ’n Soul organizer Bascht Hasenauer. “In April we start designing the new course together with Gareth. He is full of new ideas. We plan to make the Slopestyle course longer and include more lines. And due to the high demand we have also created an event for amateur freeriders.” This year’s Slopestyle finals will take place on Saturday afternoon, June 18th.


Grant Allen, Robbie Bourdon, John Cowan, Carlo Dieckmann, Gareth Dyer, Taulan Dernbach, Georg Engel, Carmine Falco, Joscha Forstreuter, Richard Gasperotti, Chris Glew, Cedric, Gracia, Matt Hunter, Niels-Peter Jensen, John Jesme, Mike Kinrade, Tyler Klassen, Jordie Lunn, Shaums March, Michal Marosi, Cameron McCaul, Glyn O'Brien, Erik Porter, Timo Pritzel, Ben Reid, Kyle Ritchie, Steve Romaniuk, Richie Schley, Wade Simmons, Randy Spangler, Jan Stötzer, Kyle Strait, Kamil Tatarkovic, Guido Tschugg Thomas Vanderham, Dave Watson, Niels Windtfeldt, Samuel Zbinden e Cameron Zink.

GoaßKing on Friday

There will also be a second edition of the popular GoaßKing (i.e. goat king), a jam session on the last dirt jump section of the Slopestyle course. This time, the GoaßKing will take place on Friday night under floodlight. Instead of presenting the winner with a trophy, Goaßstall (i.e. goat barn pub) owner Toni Enn will again hand over a living baby goat that will be baptised in a little ceremony with the GoaßKing’s name. Goat Timo, that was named after last year’s winner Timo Pritzel (Scott USA), is expected to give birth in February, thus the next generation of ‘champion goats’ is under way.

Build & Ride

Since even freeride pros are scared stiff before riding some of the extreme Slopestyle obstacles, the course is blocked-up for everyone not taking part in the competition. However, to give amateur freeriders a chance to show their talent, the adidas Bike ’n Soul organizers have created a new competition: the ‚Build & Ride Contest’. Its first part, the Build Contest, will already take place on Pentecost weekend (May 13th – 16th), prior to the event. Participation is limited to 25 people and those who would like to join the build session can apply at www.bike-n-soul.at in February. Five groups will battle to build the best freeride obstacles for the second part of the competition, the Ride Contest. Each group will be allocated to a different section and equipped with material. On the Bike ‘n Soul weekend in June, all five sections are judged by an expert jury as well as the participants of the Ride Contest and the creators of the best section will be awarded.

The (Free)Ride Contest on Bike ’n Soul Sunday is an open event in which amateurs can demonstrate their riding skills in the five Build & Ride Sections. An expert jury lead by mountain bike legend Hans „NoWay“ Rey will hunt for the most promising young talent with the best style. According to its principle ‚Style with Smile’ the focal point of the event is having fun. Besides, a relaxed and ecstatic biker performs a lot better.


adidas Bike ’n Soul 2005 is not only an event for freeriders. ‚Almrausch’ is a new endurance competition specifically created for mountain bikers who are turned on by Marathon or Cross Country challenges. While the Slopestyle Contest is geared to find the most multitalented freerider, this competition seeks the best all-round endurance biker. Participants have to complete three different disciplines within two days. Almrausch begins on Saturday morning with a Cross Country Time Trial – two laps on the 2.6 kilometer long World Games XC course. Next, the climbing abilities are tested in a Hill Climb competition on Saturday night (mid summers night). Almrausch’s grand final on Sunday morning is a 60 kilometer long Enduro, a mixture between a Cross Country and a Marathon race on a 15 kilometer lap through the blooming Pinzgau Grass Mountains. All racing times will be accumulated and the fastest biker overall wins the Almrausch.

Spectacular event for spectators

Mountain bikers work up a sweat in Saalbach Hinterglemm. And spectators can’t believe their eyes, because in Saalbach Hinterglemm one is not only closer when the world’s best freeride pros risk their lives on the impressive Slopestyle course. The entertaining program won’t allow a minute of boredom. In-between competitions, visitors can observe skilled world cup mechanics tuning the bikes of the riders and adjusting breaks and suspensions. Many renowned mountain bike companies and international world cup teams use Bike ‘n Soul for product launches, media or dealer events. The expo area with up to twenty exhibitors stretches through the entire village. Visitors who would like to get to know the mountain bike arena Pinzgau on two wheels, but don’t want to participate in any of the competitions, can join a guided mountain bike tour. Every day, Bike ’n Soul offers guided tours for all riding levels.

Party Zone

Saalbach Hinterglemm is famous for throwing the best parties and keeping you up all night. People’s favorite party location is the legendary Goaßstall. Especially the freeriders love to party hard with Goaßstall owner Toni who drinks anybody under the table. During the day, riders and visitors can relax in the adidas Chill-out Lounge – the best place to get over a lack of sleep or to watch some of the latest freeride movies while enjoying a cool drink. For a romantic person the summit party on mid summers night (Saturday) is a must – the most beautiful night of the summer with bonfires on the peaks of the surrounding mountains.



Biker superioris
Marzolara (PR)
Ciao Maaax, come ti avevo detto io sarò in forse fino all'ultimo. Comunque come avevamo detto con Andrea credo che partiremo senza prenotare e staremo in quel campeggio a Saafelden dove eravate già stati voi. Alla peggio ci infiliamo in qualche gasthaus.

Ci sentiamo nei prossimi giorni


panzer division

Biker meravigliosus
Venezia Giulia.
Visita sito
c'è qualcuno che verrebbe su in giornata con me per dividere le spese?

io andrei senza bici e appunto in giornata. abito tra gorizia e trieste...quindi se qlc vorrebbe ci si potrebbe beccare all'uscita dell'A4 qui da me....


Biker spectacularis
BULÀGNA da una vita!
Visita sito
Maxgr81 ha scritto:
appena rientrato da hinterglemm... no comment... da paura...
che posto fantastico....

c'ero anche io!!! ci siamo visti? io avevo una RM7 azzurra...
e giravo con Luca il Pazzo della rivista, eri tu con l'altro ragazzo
di Riva col quale abbiamo scambiato quattro chiacchiere
e che hanno assistito al mio botto giù dal droppino con cappottamento??

Leogang e Saalbach due bike park da paiura veramente!!!

oink :-?


Biker spectacularis
BULÀGNA da una vita!
Visita sito
già, causa la pioggia hanno spostato la finale a domenica mattina alle 12
m noi avevamo in programma di girare a Leogang la domenica, quindi
ci siamo persi pure noi la finale... peccato

ma già le prove e le qualificazioni non sono state proprio male!!

oink :-?

Classifica giornaliera dislivello positivo

Classifica mensile dislivello positivo